Sample program to grab the video streams on a Xiaomi MJSXJ02CM camera.
The code was obtained by using Ghidra to analyze the miio-stream binary.
To build this binary you need the Mstar sdk and some libs from the camera to compile it (libshbf, libshbfev, libpthread-2.25, libc-2.25) and install the package "libev-dev".
Run the binary like this:
mija_framegrab -m mainStreamPipeName1 -s substreamPipeName1
It will create two named pipes with the names given as the arguments which then can be accessed by other tools.
You can create up to 10 pipes per stream by default (MAX_PIPES_PER_STREAM) by giving more arguments:
Use -m pipeName to create a pipe for the main stream and -s pipeName to create a pipe for the sub stream.
"mija_framegrab -m mainstreamPipe1 -m mainstreamPipe2 -s substreamPipe1 -s substreamPipe2" will create 2 pipes per stream.