createdotnet / API-Documentation

Create. API Documenation
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Create. API

  1. Introduction
  2. Documentation
  3. Raising Issues
  4. Road Map


This is our beta API, which gives you access to the majority of our customers resources within the application.

The API has been developed in a Documentation Driven Development process, this means that we have documented the functionality before implementing it. This allows us to face any issues or changes before there's any code written.


The API is documented here;

Please take note of the "Available Functionality" section which outlines what parts of the API are actually live.

If you've been invited to view this documentation, please have a read through and let us know if you see anything that's been missed or if something doesn't make sense.

Raising Issues

Got a question or a problem with the API? You can raise issues right here on Github and interact directly with the developers.

Please follow the guidelines below for raising issues;


The Roadmap is broken into Milestones here;

It aims to set out when certain functionality will appear. It reduces in clarity the further we go into the future, and is constantly being added to as we move forward but it should give you a good overview as to what is coming next, and what functionality we intend to work on in the future.