creationix / continuable

A continuable style interface to node.js
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This library is a replacement for many of the core node.js libraries but using continuable style instead of node callback style.

What is continuable style you say? Why a continuable function is an async function that returns a continuation.

For example, consider a continuable version of setTimeout, named sleep:

function sleep(ms) {
  return function (callback) {
    setTimeout(callback, ms);

Here, the sleep function returns a new function that accepts the callback. That returned function is the continuation.

All continuations must accept only a callback and must call that callback with the typical node.js style (err, args...) pattern.


A stream in this system is an extremely simple interface at the minimum. A readable stream is simply any object with a .read()(callback) continuation style method. A writable stream is any object with a .write(chunk)(callback) method.

The .read()(callback) function will callback with (null, chunk) for data events. It will call (err) for errors, and () for the end of the stream.

Likewise, you can tell a writable stream to end by passing calling .write(null).

For convenience, this library comes with a Stream class that implements .read() and .write(chunk) where writes to the object can be read out of the object. There is also internal buffering with high-water/low-water marks for proper flow-control.

var Stream = require('continuable/stream');
var stream = new Stream();

// await is a utility that suspends the current fiber and waits for the continuation to resolve.
var greeting = await(;


If you want to interface with the filesystem using continuable APIs, this is your module. It supports file streams and basic fs primitives as continuable style functions.

// Copy a file using continuable and fibers
var Fiber = require('fibers');
var fs = require('continuable/fs');

Fiber(function () {
  // Create a readable stream
  var fd = await("myfile.txt", "r"));
  var readable = new fs.ReadStream(fd);

  // Create a writable stream
  fd = await("copy.txt", "w"));
  var writable = new fs.WriteStream(fd);

  // Pipe one stream to the other using a regular do..while loop.
  do {
    var chunk = await(;
  } while (chunk);
