creationix / rando

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Rando - An Exciting Serialization Format

Bun Tests

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Rando is a new serialization format optimized for fast random access of unstructured data.

JS JSON Rando Comment
0 0 + Integers
-1 -1 1+
1 1 2+
-25 -25 N+
2000 2000 -w+
-125000 -125000 Z2f+
8654321 8654321 121Ly+
1/3 0.3333333333333333 2\|3/ Rational
-13/7 -1.8571428571428572 p\|7/
1/0 N/A 2\|/ Infinity
-1/0 N/A 1\|/ -Infinity
0/0 N/A \|/ NaN
20.24 20.24 _g\|3. Decimal
1e100 1e100 2\|38.
-1e-200 -1e-200 1\|6f.
Math.PI 3.141592653589793 mkEokiJF2\|t.
Math.sqrt(3) 1.7320508075688772 1X4t8mn8q8\|v.
true true ! True
false false ~ False
null null ? Null
'' "" $ Empty String
'Banana' "Banana" Banana' B64 String
'Hi, World' "Hi, World" 9$Hi, World String
'🍌' "🍌" 4$🍌 UTF-8 String
[ 1, 2, 3] [ 1, 2, 3] 6;2+4+6+ Lists
[ 100, 100, 100 ] [ 100, 100, 100 ] 6;1**38+ Lists with Pointers
[ 1, 2, 3 ] [ 1, 2, 3 ] 6\|3;2+4+6+ Counted Lists
{ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 } {"a":1,"b":2,"c":3} c:a'2+b'4+c'6+ Maps
{ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 } {"a":1,"b":2,"c":3} c\|3:a'b'c'2+4+6+ Counted Maps
[ { name: 'Alice' }, { name: 'Bob' } ] [{"name":"Alice"},{"name":"Bob"}] l\|2;8:8*Alice'9:name'Bob' Repeated Keys
new Map([[1,2],[3,4]]) N/A 8\|2:2+6+4+8+ Non-string Keys
new Uint8Array([213,231,187]) N/A 4=1ee7 Bytes

Use Rando anywhere you might use JSON if the following are true:

Basic Usage

First add rando as a dependency to your project:

npm i -S @creationix/rando

Then import it as any module. The npm package also includes a .d.ts package for conveinence.

import { stringify, parse } from "@creationix/rando"

const sampleDoc = {
  person: {
    name: 'John Doe',
    age: 30,
    id: 12345,
    'ai-generated': true,
  list: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
  nested: {
    key: 'value',
    nested: {
      key: 'value',

const encoded = stringify(sampleDoc)
// 1B|3:person'list'11*H|4:name'age'id'c$ai-generated8$John DoeY+61O+!a;2+4+6+8+a+n|2:b*nested'6*a:key'value'

const decoded = parse(encoded)
// {
//   person: [Getter],
//   list: [Getter],
//   nested: [Getter],
// }

The string output is generally smaller than the JSON equivalent, especially if you have a lot of repeated values. Some documents in the wild end up being 30% their original size!

The decoded value in JavaScript is lazy parsed so it should be very fast even for large documents as only the top-level keys in an object are eagerly decoded. All object values and array values are lazilly decoded on first access and then cached for future access.

Supported Types

Rando can encode anything that JSON can encode:

It can also encode:

Boolean and Null

These three primitives have a dedicated symbol each.

        true:  `!`
       false:  `~`
        null:  `?`


Numbers are encoded using three different types to optimize for common values.

     integer:  zigzag(number) `+`
    rational:  zigzag(numerator) `|` denominator `/`
     decimal:  zigzag(base) `|` zigzag(exponent) `.`

Integer uses zigzag encoding so small negative values are short, but we can encode arbitrary precision using any number of digits.

Rational works great for values like 0.33333333333333333 that encode as 1/3. Also rational allows encoding Infinity, -Infinity, and NaN as 1/0, -1/0 and 0/0.

Decimal powers of 10 as typically written in scientific notation. 10000000000 is 1e10, not powers of 2 like double or float.

Strings and Binary

Rando can encode unicode strings using UTF-8 as well as arbitrary binary data using base64.

Since strings are so common in most data sets a few special types exist to shave the bytes.

  b64-string:  b64String `'`
 utf8-string:  len `$` utf-8-data
       bytes:  len `=` base64-data
       chain:  len `,` ( b64-string | string | bytes | pointer | reference | chain )*

Lists (aka Arrays)

Lists are zero or more arbitrary values that can be encoded in three levels of verboseness.

        list:  len                     `;`             value*
counted-list:  len `|` count           `;`             value*
indexed-list:  len `|` count `|` width `;` array-index value*

The first has O(n) costs to find an item and O(n) costs to count the items.

By adding a count we reduce the cost of counting to O(1)

By also adding the array index we reduce the cost of indexing an item to O(1)

Maps (aka Objects)

Maps are zero or more pairs of arbitrary values that can also be encoded in three levels of verboseness.

Note that keys are not limited to strings.

        map:   len                     `:`            (key value)*
counted-map:   len `|` count           `:`            key* value*
indexed-map:   len `|` count `|` width `:` trie-index key* value*

The first has O(n) costs to find a key, and if the value is huge, this may require fetching multiple blocks.

By adding a count, we're able to move the keys up-front where they are more likely to be contained in the same block.

Then by adding an index, we reduce lookup costs to O(log n) time.

Pointers and References

One method rando can use to speed up decoding and reduce serialized size is to de-duplicate seen or known values.

     pointer:  offset `*`
   reference:  index `&`

A pointer points to a value seen later in the document. Since Rando encodes back to front, these are values that have already been seen while encoding.

To decode a pointer, add offset bytes after the * and decode again.

A reference is a zero based index into an external array of known values provided by the caller of both the encoder and decoder.

It's up to the user of the library to ensure that the same list is used for both sides.

Lazy Block Fetches

Rando is designed on the principle that it might be used for cases where the document is so large that the client doesn't want to download the entire thing before starting to read it.

This is why the various optimizations take into account the blockSize encoding option.

With this in mind, rando is designed to be used with a system that has a block-level caching proxy.

One common method for hosting these files is a normal HTTP server that supports range requests.