creising / soapui-gradle-plugin

MIT License
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Please note that this project is no longer maintained.

Gradle SoapUI plugin

SoapUI Logo

The plugin provides tasks for running SoapUI tests and mocks during a Gradle build.

The plugin is built upon the byte-shifter soapui plugin. This implementation supports running multiple test suits in one command.

You can find an example here

Build Status

Build Status


This plugin is now hosted in the Gradle Plugin Portal. Please see their website for more information:

Gradle Plugin Portal

Provided plugins

apply plugin: 'org.urbanbyte.soapui'


The soapui plugin pre-defines the following tasks out-of-the-box:

Task Name Type Description
soaptest TestTask Runs the SoapUI tests as specified by the plugin properties. Internally invokes the SoapUITestCaseRunner class as described there.
soapload LoadTestTask Runs the SoapUI loadtests as specified by the plugin properties. Internally invokes the SoapUILoadTestRunner class as described there.
soaptool ToolTask Runs the specified and configured code-generation tool. Internally invokes the SoapUIToolRunner class as described there.
soapmock MockServiceTask Runs the specified and configured code-generation tool. Internally invokes the SoapUIMockServiceRunner class as described there.

Task properties

soaptest properties

To configure the SoapUI test task you can choose to set the following properties within the test closure of the soapui extension:

loadtest properties

To configure the SoapUI load test task you can choose to set the following properties within the load closure of the soapui extension:

tool properties

mock properties

Full Example

soapui {
    test {
        projectFile = 'sample-soapui-project.xml'
        testSuite = ['TestSuite1', 'TestSuite2']
        printReport = true
        junitReport = true
    load {
        projectFile = 'sample-soapui-load-project.xml'
        printReport = true
    tool {
        projectFile = 'sample-soapui-tool-project.xml'
        iface = 'IOrderService'
        tool = 'wsi,axis1,axis2'



The project is licensed under the MIT license.