crertel / graphmath

An Elixir library for performing 2D and 3D mathematics.
The Unlicense
79 stars 14 forks source link
elixir elixir-lang graphics hex matrices vector

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What is graphmath?

Graphmath is a library for handling common 2D and 3D operations, usually with an eye towards vector arithmetic for graphics and simulation.

It's designed to be comfortable to use, reasonably fast, and something which will benefit game developers and graphics programmers, though it may also be useful for robotocists and anyone attempting large-scale simluations which exist in R2 or R3.



This package is available from the hex package manager.

Just add it to your mix.exs file like so:

  def project do
    [app: myapp,
     version: "x.y.z",
     elixir: "~> 1.0",
     description: "description",
     package: ...,
     deps: [
        {:graphmath, "~> 1.0.2" },
        ] ]

Conventions in library

All mathematics are done in a right-handed coordinate system--that is to say, +Z is the cross-product of +X with +Y.

All operations are accompanied by tests and documentation.



  1. Open an issue on Github.

For developers

  1. Fork this project on Github.

  2. Open an issue for your proposed changes.

  3. Add tests for your new functionality, if applicable.

  4. Add documentation for your functionality, if applicable. NO DOCS -> NO MERGE.

  5. Submit a pull request.

  6. Bask in the glory of having helped create content on one of the best platforms ever devised.

For non-developers

  1. Buy me a beer if you see me at ElixirConf.



This project is put into the public domain under the unlicense.

If you can't use that, consider it under the WTFPL.

If you can't use that, fine--use the new BSD license.
