criblpacks / cribl-cisco-asa-cleanup

Drop, Extract, Suppress based on certain ASA codes in lookup tables
Apache License 2.0
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Cisco ASA Clean-up

This pack uses lookup files to help drop events, suppress events, and extract fields from surviving events. Using lookup files provides a much cleaner management of potentially hundreds, or thousands, of event types.

What to expect: Data have mapped across a variety of inputs, in some cases whole data types have been mapped, and in others only certain events. In this pack the following events have been verified to validate against the OCSF 4001 schema:

OCSF functionality is disabled by default. To enable it edit the cisco_asa_cleanup pipeline and change the active Chained output option to the OCSF option. Only one of the 3 options should be checked!

Requirements Section

Before you activate the Pack on live data:

You're encouraged to add to the included CSVs and submit a pull request.

Special Cases and Exceptions

There is a group for handling events that require special attention. These rules fall outside of what can be handled in the parsing CSV lookup file. This is includes some events that require flipping src and dest fields.

Extracted fields

Fields extracted are placed at the top level of the event (eg, metadata or index time field). You can choose to:

If you do not require field extractions consider adding the Final Flag to the Eval rule marked as such. You'll get the benefit of volume reduction, and the option to drop unneeded events based on the drops CSV, but you'll save resources of running extractions that go unused.

Using The Pack

  1. Install (Packs -> Add New -> Add from Dispensary)
  2. Inspect the optional pipeline rules and select accordingly
    • In particular, mind the output options at the end of the pipeline
  3. Download and install a GeoIP db if GeoIP enhancement is desired (see
  4. Modify the lookup files as required for your needs (provided entries may or may not meet your needs)
    • We recommend you download the lookup files to your local system and manage versioning there. Re-upload the files when modified.
  5. Point your Cisco ASA log stream to the Pack and an appropriate destination
    • If your ASA logs come in on a dedicated source, you can apply the pack as a pre-processing pipeline

Release Notes

Version 1.1.15 - 2024-06-10

- Repaired bad regex for 106021, 106022 and 313004

Version 1.1.14 - 2024-02-01

- Added 302020 and 302021 (Thanks @Paul Stout)

Version 1.1.13 - 2023-12-13

- Grouped the dest/src flip together with other Exceptions
- Added exception for 430001-5 events which have variable formatting in "Key: Value" pairs
    - Shout out to Slack user @Brenden

Version 1.1.12 - 2023-11-29

- For codes 302013, 302015, 302020, 302021, 602303, 602304, and 702307 we now reverse src and dest fields if the direction is outbound
- See the Flip dest/src fields group
    - Shout out to Slack user @Brenden for identifying the mistake

Version 1.1.11 - 2023-11-01

- Fixed 419002: Cisco's docs don't match logs found in the wild, updated regex to work with both

Version 1.1.10 - 2023-09-29

- Added 430002 (thanks @Walter in Cribl Slack!)
- Fixed 106015 to be more permissive of optional interface field
- Fixed 305011 which had bad regex, missing a closing `>`

Version 1.1.9 - 2023-06-22

- host was mistakenly left out of the Splunk delivery pipeline
- Sample filename was wrong

Version 1.1.8 - 2023-05-26

- Added initial/test OCSF support
- Fixed patterns for 313008, 313009, 106023, 305011

Version 1.1.7 - 2022-12-15

- Fixed a typo in the ASA-6-305011 parsing regex
- Added ASA-6-305012 parsing regex

Version 1.1.6 - 2022-11-15

- Added ASA-201009 to parsing file

Version 1.1.5 - 2022-10-19

- Fixed typo is csv lookup file for ASA code 313009 (h/t @olauret)

Version 1.1.4 - 2022-08-25

- Readme file was munged up. No functional changes.

Version 1.1.3 - 2022-08-01

- Fixed bad regex for 106100, 106102 -- missing backslash before right bracket in last group

Version 1.1.2 - 2022-02-22

- The people responsible for the sacking have now been sacked

Version 1.1.1 - 2022-02-22

- Dummy release to fix bad packaging

Version 1.1.0 - 2022-01-19

- Added many codes to parsing lookup from the Elastic ASA package
- Added a pipeline to translate Splunk CIM fields to ECS fields
- Adjusted main pipeline to Chain either the pre_for_splunk or prep_for_ECS pipeline

Version 1.0.1 - 2021-12-14

- Added 199015,199016,199017,199018,313001,313004 to drops
- Added 111007,111008,111010,113005,315011,414003,414004,606001,606002,606003,606004,711004 to parsing

Version 1.0.0 - 2021-12-06

Replaced wonky aggregation function with straight suppression. So much cleaner. Version bumped to 1.0.

Version 0.5.2 - 2021-08-11

fixed bad extract for a few parse lookups

Version 0.5.1 - 2021-08-04

Cleaned up and added some new codes to drop and supress lookups; fixed bad extract for a few parse lookups; added optional aggregation based suppression; updated this doc

Version 0.3.2 - 2021-07-21

Fixed bad asa_code extract; added option to keep _raw as is; cleaned up docs

Version 0.3.0 - 2021-07-19

Serialize option added, suppression added with one sample code

Version 0.2.0 - 2021-07-08

Added readme, and image

Version 0.1.0 - 2021-07-08

1st release

Contributing to the Pack

To contribute to the Pack, contact Jon Rust


To contact us please email


This Pack uses the following license: Apache 2.0.