cristianowa / restplayer

A seamless http remote player.
MIT License
4 stars 1 forks source link


A seamless http remote player.


python-vlc flask

$ sudo pip install python-vlc flask pyalsaaudio

Debian: sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev

For starting it just type:


It will open a server in port 5000 by default.

Why ?

How do you play music on your raspberry pi without controlling it ? That is the question that we searched for. The MDP ( is an alternative, but it requires too many stuff to work. Also controlling VLC via remote desktop, using command line tools via SSH or installing a XMBC is, or too complicated for daily use, or an overkill solution. This question have some answers, but all of them need an workaround or the instalation and configuration.

What we want to do ?

Install one package and be able to play music (and maybe video) from local files and URLs. Addicionally, add new media files may be added.

How we want to do ? Providing a RESTful interface for playing, pause, stoping and all other player related actions, altogether with the upload of files and configuration issues. For the backend we will use the vlc bindings for python and the flask for the framework. We will also provide a html5 player for remote control using just a browser.


For testing new deployments, one may use the virtualenv:

then run inside it:

pip install restplayer


Test Music

Thanks to the folks of for providing free music for our testing!

SVG Grahics

Thanks to the graphics made available in used for the website.