cristianprofile / spring-boot-mvc-complete-example

spring boot mvc complete example integration and unit test with @config classes
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Spring Boot Maven/Gradle Java 1.8 (Spring MVC jsp and tiles, Spring Data Rest, Jenkins 2 ready to use with full support to Maven and Gradle)

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If you don`t have gradle or maven on your computer you can use gradlew to be able to run the project

gradle wrapper (run Gradle wrapper)

After this operation you can run every Gradle command of this guide with 

./gradlew xxxxxtask (Unix, Linux)
gradlew.bat XXXtask  (Windows)


./gradlew clean compile (Unix, Linux)
gradlew.bat clean compile (Windows)

You can build this project with Maven or Gradle. Here you have several snippets about how to use them:

mvn clean install (install jar to your local m2 )
mvn spring-boot:run (run web app modules)
gradle buid (build modules)
gradle bootRun (run web app modules)

Important!!!!!If you use Maven First of all you have to install with "mvn install" modules "mylab-parent-pom" and after "mvn install" of module "mylab-core".

Spring Boot mvc web with tiles app

run spring-boot-mvc-web-example module with maven "mvn spring-boot:run" (if you want to use Gradle run "gradle bootRun" into spring-boot-mvc-web-example ) and access to http://localhost:9090/pizza and user: "" and password "".You can create other users with ROLE_USER at add user left menu option.

Rest service layer with Spring Boot Mvc

If you want to access to Rest Service with Spring boot module "spring-boot-mvc" first run mvn spring-boot:run (if you want to use Gradle run "gradle bootRun" into spring-boot-mvc-rest folder ):

- http://localhost:9090/base (get list of all bases)
- http://localhost:9090/base/1 (get base info with id=1)
- http://localhost:9090/base/1 (delete base info with id=1)
- http://localhost:9090/base (post create new base sending json info. Example "name":"rolling pizza" )
- http://localhost:9090/base (update update existing base sending json info. Example {"name":"rolling pizza 2","id":1})

When you run Spring boot app Spring actuator add features to monitore your services:

- (get) http://localhost:9091/manage/metrics (Spring Boot Actuator includes a metrics service with 
“gauge” and “counter” support. A “gauge” records a single value; and a “counter” records a delta 
(an increment or decrement). Metrics for all HTTP requests are automatically 
recorded, so if you hit the metrics endpoint should see a sensible response.)
- (get) http://localhost:9091/manage/health (you can check if your app is available)
- (get) http://localhost:9091/manage/mappings (list of your app HTTP endpoints)
- (post) http://localhost:9091/manage/shutdown (list of your app HTTP endpoints)

Spring Actuator values

More info about Spring Actuator at: Spring Actuator

Rest service layer with Spring Data Rest

Spring Data REST builds on top of Spring Data repositories, analyzes your application’s domain model and exposes hypermedia-driven HTTP resources for aggregates contained in the model.

If you want to access to Rest Service with Spring boot module "spring-boot-data-rest" first run mvn spring-boot:run (if you want to use Gradle run "gradle bootRun" into spring-boot-data-rest):

- http://localhost:9090/api/bases to get all bases (get list of all bases)
- http://localhost:9090/api/bases (post create new base sending json info. Example "name":"rolling pizza" )
- http://localhost:9090/api/browser/index.html#/api to access to your rest api HAL Browser to be served up when you visit your application’s root URI in a browser. 

Spring Actuator values

More info about Spring Data Rest at: Spring Data Rest

Git commit info in Spring boot and jar maven/gradle package

Maven and Gradle allow to generate a file containing information about the state of your git source code repository when the project was built.

For Maven users the spring-boot-starter-parent POM includes a pre-configured plugin to generate a file. Simply add the following declaration to your POM:


Gradle users can archieve the same result using the gradle-git-properties plugin

plugins {
    id "com.gorylenko.gradle-git-properties" version "1.4.17"

New in Spring 1.4: Git commit id plugin show complete git commit id plugin in "/info" endpoint of Actuator. In yml properties file add:

    port: 9091
          enabled: true
          mode: full

Git commit id plugin full actuator info

You can read more info about Spring boot how to config here: Spring boot oficial documentation

Spring boot app screen-shots:

Spring boot info Maven created Gradle created

Testing Spring mvc rest model views

It can sometimes be useful to filter contextually objects serialized to the HTTP response body. In order to provide such capabilities, Spring MVC now has builtin support for Jackson’s Serialization Views (as of Spring Framework 4.2, JSON Views are supported on @MessageMapping handler methods as well).

Model view Summary/Internal

package com.mylab.cromero.controller.view;

public class View {

public static class Summary {}

public static class Internal extends Summary {}

Json View model

package com.mylab.cromero.controller.view;

public class Message {

private Long id;

private String name;

private String title;

private String body;

An Example controller named "MessageController" has been created to be able to test this Spring feature (Spring boot mvc rest module) Message controller info


Screen-shots url view controller test:

Summary controller test: (http://localhost:9090/message/summary)

Summary controller test

Internal controller test:(http://localhost:9090/message/internal)

Internal controller test

Full controller test: (http://localhost:9090/message/full)

Full controller test

Aditional Spring oficial example

Jenkins 2 support with jenkins file

Jenkins 2 automatic multibranch plugin mode with JenkinsFile file in main directory. More interesting information about new Jenkins 2 Pipeline script configuration at:

Docker integration in feature branch called: docker_container_jenkins

Pipeline plugin

ELK SUPPORT IN WEB APP MODULE(Elasticsearch/Kibana/Logstash)

First of all you need and ELK installed in you machine. The easiest way is to use docker image ( :

First, you need to point Kibana to Elasticsearch index(s) of your choice. Logstash creates indices with the name pattern of logstash-YYYY.MM.DD. In Kibana Settings → Indices configure the indices:

  1. Index contains time-based events (select this option)
  2. Use event times to create index names (select this option)
  3. Index pattern interval: Daily
  4. Index name or pattern: [logstash-]YYYY.MM.DD
  5. Click on "Create Index"
  6. Now click on "Discover" tab.

In my opinion, "Discover" tab is really named incorrectly in Kibana - it should be labeled as "Search" instead of "Discover" because it allows you to perform new searches and also to save/manage them. Log events should be showing up now in the main window. If they're not, then double check the time period filter in to right corner of the screen. Default table will have 2 columns by default: Time and _source. In order to make the listing more useful, we can configure the displayed columns. From the menu on the left select level, class and logmessage.

Link to youtube video demo:


ScreenShots Images:

Logback Configuration Logstash Configuration Kibana Screen Example Kibana Screen Example 2 filter

Aditional info ELK and Spring boot: - Aditional info ELK and Spring boot
Kibana Lucene Query language Sintax: Kibana Lucene Query language Sintax

Config logback with Spring boot web app modules

Logs in Spring boot web modules has been configured with logback. Spring boot has support with spring boot profiles to be able to set variable in logback-spring.xml:

<springProfile name="develop">
        <logger name="com.mylab.cromero" level="DEBUG"/>

If you want to log debug logs in our example app package you must use this commands with maven/gradle to activate develop profile:

gradle bootRun
mvn spring-boot:run

Aditional Spring Boot documentation: - Aditional Spring Boot documentation