croessner / geoip-policyd

Policy server that checks IPs and blocks senders, if they come from different countries or if they come from too many different IP addresses
GNU General Public License v3.0
2 stars 0 forks source link



Postfix-Submission policy server that checks sender IPs and blocks senders, if they come from too many countries or if they come from too many IP addresses.


Table of contents

  1. Install
  2. Environment variables
  3. REST interface
  4. Actions
  5. LDAP


Postfix integration

The service is configured in Postfix like this...

smtpd_sender_restrictions =
    check_policy_service inet:

... if you use the docker-compose.yml file as provided.

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Custom settings

You can specify custom settings, which must be written in valid JSON. The format is:

  "data": [
      "comment": "Whatever comment you like...",
      "sender": "localpart@domain.tld",
      "ips": NUMBER,
      "countries": NUMBER

It is possible to only specify ips or countries. The missing parameter will be set to its default. Furthermore, the data structure is read one by one and the rules are evaluated as first match wins. By redefining a sender more than once, only the first will be used.

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Preparing a docker image

The simplest way to use the program is by using a docker image. You can build your own, as the default repository is not public for other people.

cd /path/to/Dockerfile
docker build -t geoip-policyd:latest .

You need to change the docker-compose.yml file as well. If you prefer, you can add a Redis service and run the geoip-policyd container in bridged mode.

For a complete example see here

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Server options

geoip-policyd server --help

produces the following output:



  -h  --help                          Print help information
  -a  --server-address                IPv4 or IPv6 address for the policy service. Default:
  -p  --server-port                   Port for the policy service. Default: 4646
      --http-address                  HTTP address for incoming requests. Default:
      --http-port                     HTTP port for incoming requests. Default 8080
      --sasl-username                 Use 'sasl_username' instead of the 'sender' attribute. Default: false
  -A  --redis-address                 IPv4 or IPv6 address for the Redis service. Default:
  -P  --redis-port                    Port for the Redis service. Default: 6379
      --redis-username                Redis username. Default: 
      --redis-password                Redis password. Default: 
      --redis-replica-address         IPv4 or IPv6 address for a Redis service (replica). Default:
      --redis-replica-port            Port for a Redis service (replica). Default: 6379
      --redis-sentinels               List of space seperated sentinel servers. Default:
      --redis-sentinel-master-name    Sentinel master name. Default:
      --redis-sentinel-username       Redis sentinel username. Default:
      --redis-sentinel-password       Redis sentinel password. Defailt:
      --redis-prefix                  Redis prefix. Default: geopol_
      --redis-database-number         Redis database number. Default: 0
      --redis-ttl                     Redis TTL in seconds. Default: 3600
  -g  --geoip-path                    Full path to the GeoIP database file. Default: /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoLite2-City.mmdb
      --max-countries                 Maximum number of countries before rejecting e-mails. Default: 3
      --max-ips                       Maximum number of IP addresses before rejecting e-mails. Default: 10
      --home-countries                List of known home country codes. Default:
      --max-home-countries            Maximum number of home countries before rejecting e-mails. Default: 3
      --max-home-ips                  Maximum number of home IP addresses before rejecting e-mails. Default: 10
      --block-permanent               Do not expire senders from Redis, if they were blocked in the past. Default: false
      --force-user-known              Senders are already known by an upstream service. Default: false
  -c  --custom-settings-path          Custom settings with different IP and country limits. Default: 
      --http-use-basic-auth           Enable basic HTTP auth. Default: false
      --http-use-ssl                  Enable HTTPS. Default: false
      --http-basic-auth-username      HTTP basic auth username. Default: 
      --http-basic-auth-password      HTTP basic auth password. Default: 
      --http-tls-cert                 HTTP TLS server certificate (full chain). Default: /localhost.pem
      --http-tls-key                  HTTP TLS server key. Default: /localhost-key.pem
      --use-ldap                      Enable LDAP support. Default: false
      --ldap-server-uri               Server URI. Specify multiple times, if you need more than one server. Default: [ldap://]
      --ldap-basedn                   Base DN. Default: 
      --ldap-binddn                   Bind DN. Default: 
      --ldap-bindpw                   Bind password. Default: 
      --ldap-filter                   Filter with %s placeholder. Default: (&(objectClass=*)(mailAlias=%s))
      --ldap-result-attribute         Result attribute for the requested mail sender. Default: mailAccount
      --ldap-starttls                 If this option is given, use StartTLS. Default: false
      --ldap-skip-tls-verify          Skip TLS server name verification. Default: false
      --ldap-tls-cafile               File containing TLS CA certificate(s). Default: 
      --ldap-tls-client-cert          File containing a TLS client certificate. Default: 
      --ldap-tls-client-key           File containing a TLS client key. Default: 
      --ldap-sasl-external            Use SASL/EXTERNAL instead of a simple bind. Default: false
      --ldap-scope                    LDAP search scope [base, one, sub]. Default: sub
      --ldap-idle-pool-size           LDAP pre-forked (idle) pool size. Default 3
      --ldap-pool-size                LDAP max pool size. Default: 10
      --run-actions                   Run actions, if a sender is over limits. Default: false
      --run-action-operator           Run the operator action. Default: false
      --operator-to                   E-Mail To-header for the operator action. Default: 
      --operator-from                 E-Mail From-header for the operator action. Default: 
      --operator-subject              E-Mail Subject-header for the operator action. Default: [geoip-policyd] An e-mail account was compromised
      --operator-message-ct           E-Mail Content-Type-header for the operator action. Default: text/plain
      --operator-message-path         Full path to the e-mail message file for the operator action. Default: 
      --mail-server-address           E-mail server address for notifications. Default: 
      --mail-server-port              E-mail server port number. Default: 
      --mail-helo                     E-mail server HELO/EHLO hostname. Default: localhost
      --mail-port                     E-mail server port number. Default: 587
      --mail-username                 E-mail server username. Default: 
      --mail-password                 E-mail server password. Default: 
      --mail-ssl-on-connect           Use TLS on connect for the e-mail server. Default: false
  -v  --verbose                       Verbose mode. Repeat this for an increased log level
      --version                       Current version

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Environment variables

The following environment variables can be used to configure the policy service. This is especially useful, if you plan on running the service as a docker service.


Variable Description
GEOIPPOLICYD_SERVER_ADDRESS IPv4 or IPv6 address for the policy service; default(
GEOIPPOLICYD_SERVER_PORT Port for the policy service; default(4646)
GEOIPPOLICYD_HTTP_ADDRESS HTTP address for incoming requests; default(
GEOIPPOLICYD_HTTP_PORT HTTP port for incoming requests; default(8080)
GEOIPPOLICYD_USE_SASL_USERNAME Use 'sasl_username' instead of the 'sender' attribute; default(false)
GEOIPPOLICYD_REDIS_ADDRESS IPv4 or IPv6 address for the Redis service; default(
GEOIPPOLICYD_REDIS_PORT Port for the Redis service; default(6379)
GEOIPPOLICYD_REDIS_REPLICA_ADDRESS IPv4 or IPv6 address for a Redis service (replica)
GEOIPPOLICYD_REDIS_REPLICA_PORT Port for a Redis service (replica)
GEOIPPOLICYD_REDIS_SENTINELS List of space seperated sentinel servers
GEOIPPOLICYD_REDIS_PREFIX Redis prefix; default(geopol_)
GEOIPPOLICYD_GEOIP_PATH Full path to the GeoIP database file; default(/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoLite2-City.mmdb)
GEOIPPOLICYD_MAX_COUNTRIES Maximum number of countries before rejecting e-mails; default(3)
GEOIPPOLICYD_MAX_IPS Maximum number of IP addresses before rejecting e-mails; default(10)
GEOIPPOLICYD_HOME_COUNTRIES List of known home country codes
GEOIPPOLICYD_MAX_HOME_COUNTRIES Maximum number of home countries before rejecting e-mails; default(3)
GEOIPPOLICYD_MAX_HOME_IPS Maximum number of home IP addresses before rejecting e-mails; default(10)
GEOIPPOLICYD_BLOCK_PERMANENT Do not expire senders from Redis, if they were blocked in the past
GEOIPPOLICYD_CUSTOM_SETTINGS_PATH Custom settings with different IP and country limits
GEOIPPOLICYD_HTTP_USE_BASIC_AUTH Enable basic HTTP auth; default(false)
GEOIPPOLICYD_HTTP_TLS_CERT HTTP TLS server certificate (full chain); default(/localhost.pem)
GEOIPPOLICYD_HTTP_TLS_KEY HTTP TLS server key; default(/localhost-key.pem)
GEOIPPOLICYD_USE_LDAP Enable LDAP support; default(false)
GEOIPPOLICYD_LDAP_SERVER_URIS Server URI. Specify multiple times, if you need more than one server; default(ldap://
GEOIPPOLICYD_LDAP_FILTER Filter with %s placeholder; default( (&(objectClass=*)(mailAlias=%s)) )
GEOIPPOLICYD_LDAP_RESULT_ATTRIBUTE Result attribute for the requested mail sender; default(mailAccount)
GEOIPPOLICYD_LDAP_STARTTLS If this option is given, use StartTLS
GEOIPPOLICYD_LDAP_TLS_SKIP_VERIFY Skip TLS server name verification
GEOIPPOLICYD_LDAP_TLS_CAFILE File containing TLS CA certificate(s)
GEOIPPOLICYD_LDAP_TLS_CLIENT_CERT File containing a TLS client certificate
GEOIPPOLICYD_LDAP_TLS_CLIENT_KEY File containing a TLS client key
GEOIPPOLICYD_LDAP_SASL_EXTERNAL Use SASL/EXTERNAL instead of a simple bind; default(false)
GEOIPPOLICYD_LDAP_SCOPE LDAP search scope [base, one, sub]; default(sub)
GEOIPPOLICYD_LDAP_IDLE_POOL_SIZE LDAP pre-forked (idle) pool size; default(3)
GEOIPPOLICYD_LDAP_POOL_SIZE LDAP max pool size; default(10)
GEOIPPOLICYD_RUN_ACTIONS Run actions, if a sender is over limits; default(false)
GEOIPPOLICYD_RUN_ACTION_OPERATOR Run the operator action; default(false)
GEOIPPOLICYD_OPERATOR_TO E-Mail To-header for the operator action
GEOIPPOLICYD_OPERATOR_FROM E-Mail From-header for the operator action
GEOIPPOLICYD_OPERATOR_SUBJECT E-Mail Subject-header for the operator action; default([geoip-policyd] An e-mail account was compromised)
GEOIPPOLICYD_OPERATOR_MESSAGE_CT E-Mail Content-Type-header for the operator action; default(text/plain)
GEOIPPOLICYD_OPERATOR_MESSAGE_PATH Full path to the e-mail message file for the operator action
GEOIPPOLICYD_MAIL_SERVER_ADDRESS E-mail server address for notifications
GEOIPPOLICYD_MAIL_SERVER_PORT E-mail server port number
GEOIPPOLICYD_MAIL_HELO E-mail server HELO/EHLO hostname; default(localhost)
GEOIPPOLICYD_MAIL_PORT E-mail server port number; default(587)
GEOIPPOLICYD_MAIL_SSL_ON_CONNECT Use TLS on connect for the e-mail server; default(false)
GEOIPPOLICYD_VERBOSE_LEVEL Log level. One of 'none', 'info' or 'debug'

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REST interface

GET request /reload

Request: reload
Response: No results


# Plain http without basic auth
curl "http://localhost:8080/reload"

# Plain with basic auth
curl "http://localhost:8080/reload" -u testuser:testsecret

# Secured with basic auth
curl -k "https://localhost:8443/reload" -u testuser:testsecret

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GET request /custom-settings

Request: get current custom settings in JSON format
Response: JSON output of the currently loaded custom settings


# Plain http without basic auth
curl "http://localhost:8080/custom-settings" | jq

# Plain with basic auth
curl "http://localhost:8080/custom-settings" -u testuser:testsecret | jq

# Secured with basic auth
curl -k "https://localhost:8443/custom-settings" -u testuser:testsecret | jq

Example result from default custom.json:

    "comment": "Allow only two countries and a maximum of 5 IP addresses",
    "sender": "",
    "ips": 5,
    "countries": 2
    "comment": "Allow at least 4 countries and go with the default IP address limit",
    "sender": "",
    "ips": 0,
    "countries": 4
    "comment": "Go with the default country limit, but allow up to 30 IP addresses",
    "sender": "",
    "ips": 30,
    "countries": 0

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POST request /remove

Request: Submit an email account that should be unlocked
Response: No results


# Plain http without basic auth
curl -d '{"key":"sender","value":""}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "http://localhost:8080/remove"

# Plain with basic auth
curl -d '{"key":"sender","value":""}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "http://localhost:8080/remove" -u testuser:testsecret

# Secured with basic auth
curl -k -d '{"key":"sender","value":"}"' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "https://localhost:8443/remove" -u testuser:testsecret

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POST request /query

Request: Submit a client address and a sender name to get a policy result Request format: JSON Response: JSON formatted policy decision

Example request:

# Plain http without basic auth
curl -d '{ "key": "client", "value": { "address": "", "sender": "" } }' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "http://localhost:8080/query"

# Plain with basic auth
curl -d '{ "key": "client", "value": { "address": "", "sender": "" } }' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "http://localhost:8080/query" -u testuser:testsecret

# Secured with basic auth
curl -k -d '{ "key": "client", "value": { "address": "", "sender": "" } }' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "https://localhost:8443/query" -u testuser:testsecret

Allowed policy response example:

  "guid": "2FOLGkYQwUB8XTQhdTY3csRkNV2",
  "object": "client",
  "operation": "query",
  "result": true

Forbidden policy response example:

  "guid": "2FOLGkYQwUB8XTQhdTY3csRkNV2",
  "object": "client",
  "operation": "query",
  "result": false

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PUT request /update

Request: Set custom settings. This will overwrite a custom settings file or initiates settings, if there have not been any settings before (no config file given).
Response: No results


If you use a custom settings file and send new data with a PUT request, the settings are updated in memory. But if you do a GET request afterwards and reloading data, the settings from the file will be loaded again!


# Plain http without basic auth
curl -d '{"data":[{ "sender":"","ips":3,"countries":1},{"sender":"","countries":1},{"sender":"","ips":20}]}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT "http://localhost:8080/update"

# Plain with basic auth
curl -d '{"data":[{ "sender":"","ips":3,"countries":1},{"sender":"","countries":1},{"sender":"","ips":20}]}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT "http://localhost:8080/update" -u testuser:testsecret

# Secured with basic auth
curl -k -d '{"data":[{ "sender":"","ips":3,"countries":1},{"sender":"","countries":1},{"sender":"","ips":20}]}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT "https://localhost:8443/update" -u testuser:testsecret

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PATCH request /modify

Request: Send changed settings for a given sender. If the sender does not exist, add a new record to the custom settings.
Response: No results


# Plain http without basic auth
curl -d '{"key":"sender","value":{"comment":"Test","sender":"","ips":100,"countries":100}}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PATCH "http://localhost:8080/modify"

# Plain with basic auth
curl -d '{"key":"sender","value":{"comment":"Test","sender":"","ips":100,"countries":100}}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PATCH "http://localhost:8080/modify" -u testuser:testsecret

# Secured with basic auth
curl -k -d '{"key":"sender","value":{"comment":"Test","sender":"","ips":100,"countries":100}}"' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PATCH "https://localhost:8443/modify" -u testuser:testsecret


This endpoint is not yet implemented nor tested for home countries!

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DELETE request /remove

Request: Remove an entry from the custom settings by using the sender as the key.
Response: No results


# Plain http without basic auth
curl -d '{"key":"sender","value":""}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X DELETE "http://localhost:8080/remove"

# Plain with basic auth
curl -d '{"key":"sender","value":""}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X DELETE "http://localhost:8080/remove" -u testuser:testsecret

# Secured with basic auth
curl -k -d '{"key":"sender","value":""}"' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X DELETE "https://localhost:8443/remove" -u testuser:testsecret

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Operator action

You can activate actions that will be taken, if a sender was declared compromised. At the moment you can send a notification to an e-mail operator. To do this, you must activate actions in general as well as the operator action. You need also to define all the required operator parameters as To, From, Subject, CT and of course an e-mail server ( including all required settings) to get things done.


geoip-policyd ...other-options... \
  --run-actions \
  --run-action-operator \
  --operator-to "<>" \
  --operator-from "<>" \
  --operator-message-ct "text/plain" \
  --operator-message-path ./mailtemplate.txt \
  --mail-server \
  --mail-port 587 \
  --mail-username "some_username" \
  --mail-password some-secret

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You can use LDAP to send the sender attribute and to retrieve whatever that makes your request unique. If you have customers that use virtual aliases and that belong to exactly one account, this may help you to aggregate e-mail sender requests.


virtual alias real account

Both belong to one and the same account. Without LDAP this would result in two records in Redis. With LDAP it results into the real unique account.

It is also possible to not retrieve another unique mail account from LDAP. You can also return the entryUUID field or some other field like uid or uniqueIdentifier (LDAP overlay unique to enforce uniqueness!).

Here is my personal example of a docker-compose.yml file that makes use of LDAP:


version: "3.8"


    image: ...whatever.../geoip-policyd:latest
      driver: journald
        tag: geoip-policyd
    network_mode: host
      VERBOSE: "debug"
      SERVER_PORT: 4646
      HTTP_ADDRESS: ""
      REDIS_PORT: 6379
      GEOIP_PATH: "/GeoLite2-City.mmdb"
      CUSTOM_SETTINGS_PATH: "/custom.json"
      USE_LDAP: "true"
      LDAP_STARTTLS: "true"
      LDAP_SASL_EXTERNAL: "true"
      LDAP_SERVER_URIS: "ldap://****:389/, ldap://****:389/"
      LDAP_BASEDN: "ou=people,..."
      LDAP_TLS_CAFILE: "/cacert.pem"
      LDAP_TLS_CLIENT_CERT: "/cert.pem"
      LDAP_TLS_CLIENT_KEY: "/key.pem"
      LDAP_FILTER: "(&(objectClass=rnsMSDovecotAccount)(objectClass=rnsMSPostfixAccount)(rnsMSRecipientAddress=%s))"
      - /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoLite2-City.mmdb:/GeoLite2-City.mmdb:ro,Z
      - ./custom.json:/custom.json:ro,Z
      - /etc/pki/tls/certs/cacert.pem:/cacert.pem:ro,Z
      - /etc/ssl/certs/cert.pem:/cert.pem:ro,Z
      - /etc/ssl/private/key.pem:/key.pem:ro,Z

A result in the logs looks like this:

geoip-policyd_1  | 2021/09/14 06:53:28 Info: sender=<2F7032A7-D2BE-4178-87B2-A8D3AC0F32F1>; countries=[DE]; ip_addresses=[x.x.x.x]; #countries=1/1; #ip_addresses=1/1; action=DUNNO

Redis-result:> get geopol_2F7032A7-D2BE-4178-87B2-A8D3AC0F32F1

This way you get some pseudo anonymization.

If you do so, you also have to modify your custom.json file, if you use one:


  "data": [
      "comment": "Some comment",
      "sender": "4FFDDFD3-BE1B-4639-8465-32A9A709F4CF",
      "ips": 5,
      "countries": 2
      "comment": "Whatever else",
      "sender": "2F7032A7-D2BE-4178-87B2-A8D3AC0F32F1",
      "ips": 1,
      "countries": 1
      "comment": "And another one goes here",
      "sender": "6B806FF8-8BA5-40CC-A0FE-602CF2AEEDE2",
      "countries": 1

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This project is licensed under the GPLv3 License - see the LICENSE file for details.


The license has changed from AGPL-3 to GPL-3! This step is required to provide docker images.