is a Crossplane Provider that is used to
manage Kafka resources.
Create a provider secret containing a json like the following, see expected schema here:
Create a k8s secret containing above config:
kubectl -n crossplane-system create secret generic kafka-creds --from-file=credentials=kc.json
Create a ProviderConfig
, see this as an example.
Create a managed resource see, see this for an example creating a Kafka topic
The following instructions will setup a development environment where you will have a locally running Kafka installation (SASL-Plain enabled). To change the configuration of your instance further, please see available helm parameters here.
(Optional) Create a local kind cluster unless you want to develop against an existing k8s cluster.
Install the Kafka helm chart:
helm repo add bitnami
kubectl create ns kafka-cluster
helm upgrade --install kafka-dev -n kafka-cluster bitnami/kafka \
--version 20.0.5 \
--set auth.clientProtocol=sasl \
--set deleteTopicEnable=true \
--set authorizerClassName="" \
Username is "user", obtain password using the following
kubectl -n kafka-cluster exec kafka-dev-0 -- cat /opt/bitnami/kafka/config/kafka_jaas.conf
Create the Kubernetes secret by adding a JSON filed called kc.json with the following contents
"brokers": [
"sasl": {
"mechanism": "PLAIN",
"username": "user",
"password": "<password-you-obtained-in-step-2>"
Once this file is created, apply it by running the following command
kubectl -n kafka-cluster create secret generic kafka-creds --from-file=credentials=kc.json
Install kubefwd.
Run kubefwd
for kafka-cluster
namespace which will make internal k8s services locally accessible:
sudo kubefwd svc -n kafka-cluster
To run tests, export the KAFKA_PASSWORD environment variable using the password from step 2
export KAFKA_PASSWORD="<password-you-obtained-in-step-2>"
(optional) Install the kafka cli.
(optional) Configure the kafka cli to talk against local Kafka installation:
Create a config file for the client with the following content at ~/.kcl/config.toml
seed_brokers = ["kafka-dev-0.kafka-dev-headless:9092"]
timeout_ms = 10000
method = "plain"
user = "user"
pass = "<password-you-obtained-in-step-2>"
export KCL_CONFIG_DIR=~/.kcl
kcl metadata --all
Run against a Kubernetes cluster:
make run
Build, push, and install:
make all
Build image:
make image
Push image:
make push
Build binary:
make build