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RecipeBuddy - CSC307 Group Software Project
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Continuous Integration

Azure Deployment Status


RecipeBuddy - CSC307 Group Software Project

We wanted to build an app that helps people save and share recipes with eachother. Additionally, when people cook at home they don't know the price of the meal. These are all the issues RecipeBuddy solves. RecipeBuddy is a digital recipe book where everyone can connect and view eachother's recipes. Futher, whenever someone inputs a recipe, the app will calculate the cost for the defined amount of each ingredient (given the cost per weight or cost per volume sold by Kroger Groceries). With this, the user can see the total cost of the meal and price per serving of their recipe. It is great for people who want to budget and be inspired to cook at home rather than eat out!

Demo video

UML diagram

Azure deployment

UI prototype

Sequence Diagram for the sign up process

code coverage report (with date and time) image

Setup Project Environment

For app to work properly set up in the following order: MongoDB Cloud -> Backend -> Frontend

Setup Mongo DB

Setup Backend

Setup Frontend

Style Check/Linter

RecipeBuddy uses the Mozilla Firefox style guide found here

If you recive the error message on Windows 8.0+ Management_Install.ps1 cannot be loaded because the execution of scripts is disabled on this system.

Relational Diagram

Relational diagram for user signup process:

user signup process


MIT License