crowdrender / cr-docker

The official repository for the CrowdRender docker image
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Don't obfuscate email addresses, send to a contact form #17

Open Jeducious opened 1 year ago

Jeducious commented 1 year ago

What's up?

The need to filter spam is very real, so we have in the past and continue today to use the info at crowdrender dot com dot au format for email address obsfuctation however @Smilebags makes a great point that this might also turn off both bots and real people. The former is intentional, the latter is not.

What can we do about it?

We can send people to a contact form. This is the easiest way to make it easy for a real person to get in touch, and hard for bots to spam us. The contact form should have some way of either rate limiting or perhaps using some other form of bot denial (like captcha).