crowdrender / cr-docker

The official repository for the CrowdRender docker image
59 stars 8 forks source link

Official CrowdRender-Server docker image w/ GPU support

Version Table for non Cuda based images

Docker tag Blender version Default CR_VERSION value Actual version downloaded
bl_4.0 4.0.1 latest latest available for your account
bl_3.6 3.6.5 (LTS) latest
bl_3.5 3.5.1 latest
bl_3.4 3.4.1 latest
bl_3.3 3.3.12 (LTS) latest

EOL Tags

Dockerimage builder

Instructions for normal images (Linux)

These images are based on debian:stable-slim and intended for use on linux. They do install the Nvidia container toolkit and setup for providing GPU acceleration, though our testing with real GPUs is still a work in progress.

Instructions for running GPU acceleration (nvidia)

In order to make this image work, you need Docker >= 19.03 and the latest NVIDIA driver

docker run -t \
 --name "Crowdrender-Server" \
 -e token=<login_token> \
 --net=host \
 --gpus all #optional for if you want to use gpus
crowdrender/blender-plugin:bl_4.0 #replace the version number with any supported Blender version


  1. Start a container with the image
  2. The server should be added to your cloud account and will show up shortly in any session of Blender that has been logged into your account.

Optional Parameters:

IMPORTANT: the latest free CR version is 0.4.5, everything above is only available for supporters of our dev fund, learn more here!

The CrowdRender documentation can be found here.

Version Table

Docker tag Blender version Default CR_VERSION value Actual version downloaded
bl_4.0-DockerDesktop 4.0.1 latest latest available for your account
bl_3.6-DockerDesktop 3.6.5 (LTS) latest
bl_3.5-DockerDesktop 3.5.1 latest
bl_3.4-DockerDesktop 3.4.1 latest
bl_3.3-DockerDesktop 3.3.12 (LTS) latest

Instructions for Cuda based images - intended for Docker Desktop on windows

These images are based on nvidia/cuda and have been tested to work on windows using Docker Desktop via WSL2.

In order to make this work, you need

docker run -t \
 --name "Crowdrender-Server" \
 -e token=<your_login_token> \
 --publish 9669-9714:9669-9714
crowdrender/blender-plugin:bl_4.0 #replace the version number with any supported Blender version


Optional Parameters:

IMPORTANT: the latest free CR version is 0.4.5, everything above is only available for supporters of our dev fund, learn more here!

Extra Bits

if you have any problems or questions, you can create an issue or feel free to contact us: info(at)crowdrender(dot)com(dot)au