Open tatecarson opened 7 years ago
Well that is a SIGABRT that scsynth threw.
abort() sends the calling process the SIGABRT signal, this is how abort() basically works. abort() is usually called by library functions which detect an internal error or some seriously broken constraint.
It spat out a buffer to stderr which is odd. That seems like it was compiling the SynthDef. So it started scsynth and it started sclang and then posted that buffer to stderr.
Can you check that they the processes are starting up ? Maybe you already had a server running and there is an OSC address collision.
you really want to use sclang ? hmm.
How do I go about checking if the processes are starting up? I was just trying again from a reboot so I don't think any servers were running. I get the same error, stdeer buffer, when trying to run examples that don't contain synthdefs such as boot-server.js.
As for sclang, it's not the language necessarily but the all the useful functionality that web audio or tonejs lacks. I'm thinking specifically of the patterns library.
I was thinking about porting the patterns library to javascript. It would actually be simpler to write it in js than sc. That library could be used with supercollider.js or for tone.js or for graphics. They are just numerical patterns.
Good news, I just got the same error. So I can figure it out now.
It acknowledges the notify request and then it quits. The synthdef send is after that.
server-plus ❯ node synthdef.js
stderr : *** ERROR: open directory failed './/Library/Application Support/SuperCollider/synthdefs'
stdout : Number of Devices: 6
stdout : 0 : "Built-in Microph"
stdout : 1 : "Built-in Output"
stdout : 2 : "HDMI"
stdout : 3 : "Soundflower (2ch)"
stdout : 4 : "Soundflower (64ch)"
stdout : 5 : "Multi-Output Device"
stdout : "Built-in Microph" Input Device
stdout : Streams: 1
0 channels 2
stdout : "Built-in Output" Output Device
Streams: 1
0 channels 2
stdout : SC_AudioDriver: sample rate = 44100.000000, driver's block size = 512
stdout : PublishPortToRendezvous 0 5855
SuperCollider 3 server ready.
sendosc: {
"oscType": "message",
"address": "/notify",
"args": [
rcvosc : [
error : Server exited. Exit code: null signal: SIGKILL
sendosc: {
"oscType": "message",
"address": "/d_recv",
"args": [
"type": "Buffer",
"data": "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"
(node:22832) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 1): Error: Timed out waiting for OSC response: ["/done","/d_recv"]
(node:22832) DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.
(node:22832) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 2): Error: Timed out waiting for OSC response: ["/done","/d_recv"]
watch -n 1 "ps aux | grep [s]csynth"
will watch for processes named scsynth, updating every second
I was thinking about porting the patterns library to javascript. It would actually be simpler to write it in js than sc. That library could be used with supercollider.js or for tone.js or for graphics. They are just numerical patterns.
I thought that's what you had already done with the server/patterns examples. Are those entirely unusable without booting the server first? My goal, for now, is really just to be able to use those patterns with tonejs. The methods for sequencing are much less advanced there, everything basically has to be built from scratch.
Good news, I just got the same error. So I can figure it out now. It acknowledges the notify request and then it quits. The synthdef send is after that.
Do you know why this is happening. Is it just with this example or all of them?
watch -n 1 "ps aux | grep [s]csynth" will watch for processes named scsynth, updating every second
When trying this is get an error command not found: watch
I can do this:
ps aux | grep scsynth
tatecarson 4573 1.1 0.1 3851924 14224 ?? S 3:54PM 17:04.25 /Applications/SuperCollider/ -u 57110 -a 116 -i 2 -o 2 -b 1026 -m 3486784401 -S 96000 -R 0 -C 0 -l 1
tatecarson 15852 0.0 0.0 2442020 796 s004 S+ 11:28AM 0:00.00 grep --color=auto --exclude-dir=.bzr --exclude-dir=CVS --exclude-dir=.git --exclude-dir=.hg --exclude-dir=.svn scsynth
I think that's just searching for my scsynth right? [s]csynth as you had written gave an error.
Having the patterns library availible in js would really be amazing and highly used. Let me know if I could be of any help if you decide to do it.
So it does start it. Then scsynth bails for some reason.
With [s]csynth
it just means to pattern match only things that start with that s. So it doesn't match the one that starts grep ... scsynth
Working on it a bit this morning. It sure would be helpful if scsynth bothered to tell us why it is killing itself. It only happens when it loads a synth def. The plugins path looks right. I can run it on the command line fine. Maybe something to do with environment variables. Still investigating.
It's actually something to do with sclang booting up and some installed quark doing something that causes the already running scsynth to quit. I removed all my quarks and it now runs fine. I'll track it down further.
I get an error while booting attempting to boot:
I'm pretty sure my paths are correct because when installing I get this readout:
Any obvious problems you can see? Anything I might be forgetting?
Also, i'm looking into ths again because I would like to be able to use some of sclang to control webaudio instead of scsynth so everythign can run in the browser. Can you see any reasons why this wouldn't work? It seems better than trying to rewrite all of the useful features of sclang again.