crustio / ipfs-w3auth-pinning-service

IPFS remote pinning service by using Crust
Apache License 2.0
10 stars 10 forks source link

Pinning request returns 401 error #36

Open SgtPooki opened 9 months ago

SgtPooki commented 9 months ago

I was successfully pinning content previously with an access token that no longer seems to be working.

I am able to validate that i see the same token at, but the token is now returning an HTTP 401 error: {"error":{"reason":"UNAUTHORIZED","details":"Invalid Signature"}}.

You can also see these errors at

I'm wondering if someone can help me generate a new token, or figure out why my token is no longer considered valid.


AwesomeKalin commented 9 months ago

I'm not getting that error. Maybe try using Crust Wallet? Even if that doesn't work for you, I'm getting "status": "queued" in my response rather than "status": "pinning". I have said on the discord server, however that only seems to get around 1 message/day, if not less, non of which being the admins.

badkk commented 9 months ago

I was successfully pinning content previously with an access token that no longer seems to be working.

I am able to validate that i see the same token at, but the token is now returning an HTTP 401 error: {"error":{"reason":"UNAUTHORIZED","details":"Invalid Signature"}}.

You can also see these errors at

I'm wondering if someone can help me generate a new token, or figure out why my token is no longer considered valid.


Hey, try this token: c3ViLWNUR01xVHdjck5FZnJ1VVV2SG1pS012MnVnSzJiemM1d2p0TmI3SkNxM0R0UG04c3Y6MHgzODU1ZDNkY2Y0OTYwYjhhMzY3MmEzYTRmNGRiYjNhMWFjMDkyNDNhODdmNDgxOTdmZmUxNTRkNDExZmUzZjQ2MDhhZDY4ODUzOGNmMTk3MWE2Zjg5NTVhZjJmOWFjYzkwYjdiYzZlZGVkMzBjNmIyZGM2NGZhZGI4ZGQ1MmM4Ng==, with Basic on gateway and Bear on pinning service.