crustio / ipfs-w3auth-pinning-service

IPFS remote pinning service by using Crust
Apache License 2.0
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IPFS W3Auth Pinning Service

Decentralized IPFS remote pinning service with Crust Network.

❓ About IPFS W3Auth Pinning Service

✨ Usage

The IPFS W3Auth Pinning Service(aka. W3Auth PS) is compatible with standard IPFS remote pinning service. You can refer IPFS Docs to learn how to use remote pin.

As for the Access Token of W3Auth PS, you can easily get it with several web3 ways.

Authorization: Bear <base64(ChainType-PubKey:SignedMsg)>

Let's take ipfs cli as an example

ipfs pin remote service add crustpinner http://localhost:3000/psa base64(ChainType-PubKey:SignedMsg)

Get ChainType

ChainType now can be:

  1. sub(or substrate)
  2. eth(or ethereum)
  3. sol(or solana)
  4. pol (or polygon)
  5. nea (or near)
  6. ava(or avalanche)

And you can get PubKey and SignedMsg by using the following web3-ways:

Get Pubkey and SignedMsg

1. With Substrate

Get PubKey

PubKey is just the substrate address, like 5Chu5r5GA41xFgMXLQd6CDjz1ABGEGVGS276xjv93ApY6vD7

All substrate-based chains are adapted:

Get SignedMsg

Just sign the PubKey with your private key to get the SignedMsg

2. With Ethereum

Get PubKey

PubKey is just the ethereum address(42-characters) start with 0x

Get SignedMsg

Just sign the PubKey with your eth private key to get the SignedMsg

3. With Moonriver

Moonriver is fully compatiable with the Ethereum, you can just follow the same steps with the Ethereum.

Get PubKey

PubKey is just the moonriver(ethereum) address(42-characters) start with 0x

Get SignedMsg

Just sign the PubKey with your moonriver private key to get the SignedMsg

4. With Solana

Get PubKey

PubKey is just the solana address

Get SignedMsg

You can sign the PubKey with your solana private key to get the SignedMsg

5. With Polygon

Get PubKey

PubKey is just the polygon address(42-characters) start with 0x. It's compatiable with the ethereum.

Get SignedMsg

Just sign the PubKey with your polygon private key to get the SignedMsg

6. With Near

You can sign the PubKey with one of your near private key associated with your account to get the SignedMsg

7. With Avalanche

You can sign the Address without chainID prefix, such as avax1se4e9lvhlfwhcqnzjr0vpswqcnhsy5atn5r0l3, with your X- or P- chain private key associated with your account to get the SignedMsg.

8. With Apots

Get PubKey

PubKey is the aptos's account pubkey, such as 0xaa79510150c3a6753f224ef47a315ea6ae9acd23f4506a866feb25f8995c60c. Please pay attention that it's not the same as the address.

Get SignedMsg

You can sign the PubKey with your aptos private key to get the SignedMsg

🚀 Deploy

1. Start MySQL

W3Auth PS uses MySQL as its state database, you can just use docker to start and config the db service.

2. Init State DB

Please execute the sql script under ./sql folder to create database and state tables.

3. Config

3.1 Config pinning service

Please create an .env file baseon .env-example, each config item means:

NODE_ENV // `production` or `dev`
MYSQL_HOST // optional, default is `localhost`
MYSQL_PORT // optional, default is `3306`
MYSQL_DB // optional, default is `pinning_service` created by ./sql/V1_CREATE_DATABASE.sql
MYSQL_USER // optional, default is `root`
MYSQL_PASSWORD // optional, default is `root`
MYSQL_POOL_MAX // optional, default is `10`
MYSQL_POOL_MIN // optional, default is `0`
MYSQL_POOL_IDLE // optional, default is `30,000`
MYSQL_POOL_ACQUIRE // optional, default is `30,000`
CRUST_SEED // required, the pinning pool private seeds
WS_ENDPOINT // optional, crust chain websocket address, default is `wss://`
DEFAULT_FILE_SIZE // optional, ordering file size, default is 2GB
CRUST_TIPS // optional, ordering tips, default is 0.00005 CRUs
VALID_FILE_REPLICAS // optional, the successfully pinning replica count, default is 3

3.2 Config supported chains

W3Auth PS allows nodes config supported chains with sql script, default supported chain is substrate, you can config different chain_name with corresponding chain_type(auth way):


And you can run the following sql to add/delete supported chains:

INSERT INTO `pinning_service`.`chain` (`chain_name`, `chain_type`) VALUES ('eth', 1);
DELETE FROM `pinning_service`.`chain` WHERE `chain_name`='eth';

4. Start pinning service

Then, you can just config the standard IPFS remote pinning service with http://localhost:3000/psa!

🙋🏻‍♂️ Contribute

Please feel free to send a PR.


Apache 2.0