cryptoeconomics-study / book

📙Working draft of the book, Cryptoeconomics: An Introduction.
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📙 Book

This is the book section which will have a full copy of the book Cryptoeconomics: An Introduction. Book development is led by Jinglan Wang. The book will have examples, explanations of how different mechanisms work (or didn't work and failed), a bit of history, and a complete overview of the fundamentals of Cryptoeconomics.

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Table of Contents

Note: the book diverges from the lectures and coding project, so the chapters do not correspond exactly

Chapter 0 - Introduction

Chapter 1 - Cryptography

Chapter 2 - Intro to Game Theory

Chapter 3: Proof of Work

Chapter 4: Proof of Stake

Chapter 5: Other Core Mechanisms

To-do: add in ch. 6-8 outlines

Chapter 9: More Economics