cryptoeconomics-study / visualizations

🕹Interactive Network Visualizations for
MIT License
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🕹 Network Visualizations

This repository contains the network visualizatons which accompany the course. The visualizations will be integrated into the coding lessons on Chainshot (repo) and will include interactive visualizations of all of the protocols we build in the course, from a central payment operator up to a Proof of Stake blockchain.

This project is currently in its early development stages and requires major refactoring before building new visualizations. You can watch a demo of what our end vision is for the coding project and view in-depth details of our roadmap here.

Feel free to try out the first network visualization of Sections 2.1 - 2.2 <--sorry this link is broken will fix ASAP - watch a demo here.


Suggestions and contributions are extremely welcome. There is also room for contributors to optimize the code as well as create visualizations for protocols that we don't cover in the course. Check out the open issues and project board and help out! Have something you'd like to add or edit or just have a question? Open an issue! :)

How to run

Clone this repo with git clone. Run: npm install and then npm start.

Coding Project Outline

Chapter 1 - Central Payment Operator

Chapter 2 - Networks and Synchrony Assumptions

Section 2.1 - Naive P2P Network

Section 2.2 - Double Spends

Section 2.3 - 99% Fault Tolerant Consensus

Section 2.4 - Proof of Authority

Chapter 3 - Proof of Work

Chapter 4 - Proof of Stake (Casper FFG)

Future Visualizations