cs-intro-reichman / hw02-zmiro429

hw02-zmiro429 created by GitHub Classroom
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Review Assignment Due Date

Homework 2 Submission


Before submitting your work for grading, please ensure that your code adheres to our Java Coding Style Guidelines. Make sure to create a well-organized PDF document containing the code for all the programs you've written, with proper indentation and one program per page. You can use "paste special" options to transfer the code from your code editor to your word processing software. The printed code must be well indented and easy to read for review. We recommend using the Consolas or Arial font with a font size of 12. Save this document as HW2Code.pdf.

Submission Checklist

Please make sure that all the following files exist in this repository:

Submission Deadline

The submission deadline for this assignment is January 4, 2024, 23:55.

Checking Your Grade

You do not need to manually submit the zip file on Moodle. We have set up an automatic grading system that evaluates your code after each commit you make to this repository. You can check your grade using Github Actions.

Good luck with your assignment!