cs10 / Alonzo

Alonzo is the helpful (and slightly sassy) bot for CS10. He's also our mascot.
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Alonzo is a chatbot for CS10. He's our mascot. Alonzo has a bit of a sassy attitude sometimes, but that's OK, because he's pretty awesome! If you haven't heard about CS10, you should check out the class, and learn how we're changing the world!

Alonzo was born from GitHub's Campfire bot, hubot. Currently, Alonzo is configured to work with our staff HipChat instance, but this can all be adapted as necessary. Keep on reading if you want to deploy Alonzo yourself.

Who's Alonzo, really?

Alonzo's full name is, of course, [Alonzo Church][ac-wiki], the inventor of lambda calculus! He's the mascot of the CS10 class, as well as Snap!, and BJC.

Current Functionality

Caution: This is may not be up to date always... Documentation is hard, man.

CS10 Tools

Fun Stuff & Useful Tools!

Please see the full list of generated commands.

Our class use of 'chat-ops' is described in the TA-Ops repo.

Getting Started

The docs/ folder contains some documentation about Getting started with a chatbot, with a focus on deploying Alonzo for educational use. Each file is numbered in the recommended order of reading.