- You can download code60.zip and unzip it at a location of interest.
- You can then call “npm install" to install all the packages and their dependencies.
- You’ll have to have a postgres server running in the background with the name “cs2102_petcare_trial”.
- Take the code in database/init_petcare.sql and run it on the database you created.
This has the Relational Schema, Triggers and dummy data.
- You’ll need a .env file having the following lines of code. (please note that you may need to slightly change and/or give it the
username and password as well)
You can now run the code with “npm start”
If at any stage you have problems running the code, please do not hesitate to send your queries to saifum@u.nus.edu or create an issue at https://github.com/cs2102team60petcare/server. We will get back to you as soon as possible.