In addtion to the database setup described below do the following to get Angular2 to work.
Install node and npm
$ sudo apt-get install npm
$ sudo apt-get install nodejs-legacy
$ sudo apt-get install tsc
Install the apps dependencies (this is done in the project root directory)
$ npm install
Compile the TypeScript (this is done in the project root directory)
$ tsc -w
You can run the fronted by itself:
$ npm start
Or, you run the frontend through the backend
$ cd ./backend
$ python runserver
If you are just doing frontend work it is reccomended to just run the frontend by itself, unless you need access to all the data the backend provides (Running the frontend by itself provides limited placeholder data just so the pages have some content in them)
PostgreSQL needs to be installed. Apparantly you can use if you're using Mac OS X. Installation instructions for Ubuntu are below and I would expect that the experience would be fairly similar for other linux distributions. If you're using Windows, well, then you're on you're on figuring out how to install it.
The following instructions will setup PostgresSQl for Ubuntu:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib
Change every instance of 'md5' to 'trust in the following config file:
$ sudo vim /etc/postgresql/9.5/main/pg_hba.conf
Then restart the psql server:
$ sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart
Create a super user(I recommend an empty password, its not secure but should be fine for a dev environment):
$ sudo -u postgres createuser --superuser $USER
$ sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# \password $USER
Create database named 'opensourcery' on linux this can be done as follows:
$ sudo -u postgres createdb opensourcery
next, execute the following (the dump file is in the repo):
$ psql opensourcery < dump.sql
That will import the data to the database and the database is now setup.
On Ubuntu you need to install the following:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install python-psycopg2
Then use pip to install psycog libary:
$ pip install psycopg2
Also load the requirements file.
$ sudo pip install flask
$ sudo pip install flask_sqlalchemy
$ sudo pip install flask_script
This finishes the setup. You're about ready to run the server now!
You may need to switch to a postgres user profile before being able to run your app properly.
$ sudo su - postgres
To Run:
$ python runserver
This will launch the server on localhost:5000. You can visit this address in your browser to interact with the app.