csMACnz / Coveralls.net-Samples

Sample Coveralls.net projects as reference for how it is used.
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Coveralls.net Samples

These are sample configurations for using coveralls.net with different CI and coverage tools. Each branch is a unique scenario combination of test framework, coverage tool and coveralls.net publishing the results to coveralls.io.

Sample Application Branch

Appveyor Build status Build Status

This branch represents the base application, with tests, so I can branch off of this with different build configurations and see how these are reported in different CI builds, coverage runners, and coveralls.io.

.Net Core + xUnit + OpenCover + Appveyor Branch

Appveyor Build status Coverage Status

This is using the latest dotnet 2.1 global tools version of Coveralls.net.

This branch has a .Net Core application using the xUnit test runner to run the xUnit tests through OpenCover, and Coveralls.net is run over the results. This branch is picked up and run by Appveyor using the appveyor.yml file.

.Net 4.5.1 + xUnit + OpenCover + Appveyor Branch

Appveyor Build status Coverage Status

This branch has a legacy .Net 4.5.1 Application using the xUnit test runner to run the xUnit tests through OpenCover, and Coveralls.net is run over the results. This branch is picked up and run by Appveyor using the appveyor.yml file.

NUnit + OpenCover + Appveyor Branch

Appveyor Build status Coverage Status

This branch uses the NUnit test runner to run the NUnit tests through OpenCover, and Coveralls.net is run over the results. This branch is picked up and run by Appveyor using the appveyor.yml file.

Report Generator + Appveyor Branch

Appveyor Build status Coverage Status

This branch demonstrates pumping your results into report generator, then using the RG results files as a source for Coveralls.net. This branch is picked up and run by Appveyor using the appveyor.yml file. The Report Generator command can be modified to take other compatible input formats as required.

Typescript + Chutzpah + Appveyor Branch

Appveyor Build status Coverage Status

This branch demonstrates Typescript + Chutzpah testing for coverage results that can be published using Coveralls.net. This branch is picked up and run by Appveyor using the appveyor.yml file.

xUnit + monocov + Travis-CI Branch

Build Status Coverage Status

This branch uses the xUnit test runner to run the xUnit tests through monocov, and Coveralls.net is run over the results. This branch is picked up and run by Travis-CI using the travis.yml file.

NUnit + monocov + Travis-CI Branch

Build Status Coverage Status

This branch uses the NUnit test runner to run the NUnit tests through monocov, and Coveralls.net is run over the results. This branch is picked up and run by Travis-CI using the travis.yml file.

xUnit + visual studio code coverage + Appveyor Branch

Appveyor Build status Coverage Status

This branch uses the xUnit test runner to run the xUnit tests through vstest.console.exe with coverage on, converts to xml using CodeCoverage.exe, and Coveralls.net is run over the results. This branch is picked up and run by Appveyor using the appveyor.yml file.