csabagabor / junit4-parallel-runner-intellij-plugin

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JUnit4 Parallel Runner - Intellij IDEA plugin

Note: it is available on Intellij Marketplace: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/12959-junit4-parallel-runner


Intellij IDEA plugin that allows you to run JUnit4 tests in parallel (using multiple CPU cores/threads). Uses the Fork/Join Framework from Java 7 so it can fully utilize the power of the CPU.

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This plugin was built with portability in mind, so it contains three different runners in case some of them fail. A Runner is a class/several classes that add additional functionality to JUnit tests, in this case, they run them in parallel. The problem was that the bundled JUnit plugin is not extensible enough to be able to develop a really simple solution which works in every case and with every Intellij IDEA version. For example, in the latest version, the package in which the class JUnitStarter resides is: com.intellij.rt.execution.junit, but it has already been changed to com.intellij.rt.junit in the official Github repository....

Note: even though the plugin contains several runners, I try to update the code of every runner which fails to work with a major Intellij IDEA version. For example, this happened in version 2019.3 where the first runner fails so please check out the version/2019.3 branch.

First Runner

Just patches the JavaParameters, to use a custom runner instead of JUnitStarter. Also, I included the full source code of JUnitStarter class in the plugin(doesn't seem like a good idea, right?), just to prevent using reflection and not to depend on its implementation in different IDEA versions. This runner will be tried first, if it fails with any kind of error, the second runner will be started etc. This runner is simple enough but sensitive to changes in the source code of the bundled junit plugin.

Second runner

Parses the JUnitConfiguration instance and builds a list with the selected tests and saves them to a text file named jun_par_tes.tmp in the OS specific temp directory. Also it modifies the JUnitConfiguration instance(patches the ParametersList from JavaParameters) and redirects the runnable test class to a custom class(ParallelSuiteClasses) that is annotated with ParallelSuite(see JUnit Toolbox).

Third runner

Similar to the second runner, but instead of manually parsing the JUnitConfiguration instance and saving the selected tests in a file, uses the fact that the default JUnit runner creates a .tmp file itself to store the selected tests before calling JUnitStarter. So, using the JUnit4TestRunnerUtil.buildRequest(..) method, it gets the list with the selected tests and adds them to the ParallelSuite.

Alternative solutions

A very good and simple alternative solution would be to use ASM or ByteBuddy to modify the class JUnit4IdeaTestRunner during runtime and add the following code to it after Runner testRunner = request.getRunner() in the method startRunnerWithArgs(..):

if (testRunner instanceof ParentRunner) {
     ParentRunner parentRunner = (ParentRunner) testRunner;
     parentRunner.setScheduler(new ParallelScheduler());



Note: The more tests you have, the better the speedup will be. Let's say you have 1000 tests which need 40 seconds to run and you have a 6 core CPU, using this plugin you can reduce the running time of tests by approx. 4x (down to 10 seconds). Also, no parallelizing is done when running a single method from a single class(the single method is executed on a single thread)

Warning: Some code is not meant to be run in parallel (sometimes this is the case with integration tests). Also, if you have tests which are not independent of each other, they might fail.
