csaude / beehive

Merges two OpenMRS database instances into one.
MIT License
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This nodejs application merges two instances of OpenMRS 2.x databases into one. It works by connecting to the two databases and copy data from designated source database into designated destination database. Once run successfully, the designated destination database will be a merger of the two initial instances.


  1. If you still want the original copy of the destination database, then you have to create a copy before running this application on it.
  2. The assumption is made that the two OpenMRS instances share the same metadata (i.e. concepts, forms e.t.c).
  3. For the purpose of this implementation, some of the tables are purposely ignored (See below for the list of tables included)


Below is the list of tables whose records are copied.

  1. person

  2. person_attribute_type

  3. person_attribute

  4. person_name

  5. person_address

  6. relationship_type

  7. relationship

  8. patient

  9. patient_identifier_type

  10. patient_identifier

  11. users

  12. role

  13. role_role

  14. privilege

  15. role_privilege

  16. user_role

  17. location

  18. provider

  19. provider_attribute_type

  20. provider_attribute

  21. visit

  22. visit_type

  23. encounter

  24. encounter_role

  25. encounter_provider

  26. obs

  27. program

  28. program_workflow

  29. program_workflow_state

  30. patient_state

  31. GAAC module tables



Clone the code from github.

$ git clone https://github.com/mhawila/beehive.git

Change into the project directory, and create a JSON configuration file called config.json putting the following content.

    "source": {
        "host": "mysql source host or IP",
        "username": "username",
        "password": "secret",
        "openmrsDb": "openmrs1",
        "location": "unique string to identify location"    //Must be provided.
    "destination": {
        "host": "mysql destination host or IP",
        "username": "username",
        "password": "secret",
        "openmrsDb": "openmrs2"
    "batchSize": 16000,
    "debug": false

Explanation of configuration options

Note: Substitute the given values with appropriate values.

Once the configuration file is in place, Install the required dependencies:

$ npm install

Run the application

$ node --harmony orchestrator.js

Running without committing changes to the database (Dry running)

$ node --harmony orchestrator.js --dry-run

Merge Verification

The application includes a verification process that is run separately once the merging has been completed. Currently the tables being verified are person, person_attribute, person_name, person_address, relationship, patient_identifier, visit, encounter, provider, program_workflow, patient_state, obs, gaac, gaac_member. Also currently this feature is supported on database running on the same instance of MySQL. In order to run this process, run the following command on terminal.

$ node verify-merge.js