This site is powered by Netlify.
media.json: Centralized area for all of CSEC's media outlets
"text": ${ DISPLAY TEXT },
"icon": ${ react-icons icon name },
"link": ${ link when clicked }
navigation.json: Centralized area for all of CSEC's pages (For building routes and navigation)
"name": ${ DISPLAY NAME },
"menu": [ // Include is no path
"name": ${ DISPLAY NAME },
"path": ${ NAVIGATE TO WHEN CLICKED (Don't include if have menu, vise versa) }
resources.json: All resources for /resources
"title": "Interview Prep",
"items": [
{ // Nested (Recursive so go nuts)
"title": "Algorithmic Coding Practice",
"items": [
"text": "LeetCode",
"link": "If it's a link, where does text go",
"aside": "This is optional"
{ // Not nested
"text": "W3Schools",
"link": "",
"aside": "Introductory Web"
team.json: Team of csec
"title": "Executive Team",
"text": "The team of Summer 2019 to Winter 2020",
"members": [
"name": "Bob Bobby",
"title": "President",
"image": "../images/team/Bob.jpg", // Path to image in "@images"
"media": { // Include all or none
"email": "",
"website": "",
"linkedin": "",
"github": ""