cshum / imagor

Fast, secure image processing server and Go library, using libvips
Apache License 2.0
3.37k stars 129 forks source link
avif crop-image docker gif golang jpeg libvips png resize-images watermark webp


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imagor is a fast, secure image processing server and Go library.

imagor uses one of the most efficient image processing library libvips. It is typically 4-8x faster than using the quickest ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick settings. imagor implements libvips streaming that facilitates parallel processing pipelines, achieving high network throughput.

imagor features a ton of image processing use cases, available as a HTTP server with first-class Docker support. It adopts the thumbor URL syntax representing a high-performance drop-in replacement.

imagor is a Go library built with speed, security and extensibility in mind. Alongside there is imagorvideo bringing video thumbnail capability through ffmpeg C bindings.

Quick Start

docker run -p 8000:8000 shumc/imagor -imagor-unsafe -imagor-auto-webp

Original images:


Try out the following image URLs:


Image Endpoint

imagor endpoint is a series of URL parts which defines the image operations, followed by the image URI:



Filters /filters:NAME(ARGS):NAME(ARGS):.../ is a pipeline of image operations that will be sequentially applied to the image. Examples:


imagor supports the following filters:

Utility Filters

These filters do not manipulate images but provide useful utilities to the imagor pipeline:

Loader, Storage and Result Storage

imagor Loader, Storage and Result Storage are the building blocks for loading and saving images from various sources:

imagor provides built-in adaptors that support HTTP(s), Proxy, File System, AWS S3 and Google Cloud Storage. By default, HTTP Loader is used as fallback. You can choose to enable additional adaptors that fit your use cases.

File System

Docker Compose example with file system, using mounted volume:

version: "3"
    image: shumc/imagor:latest
      - ./:/mnt/data
      PORT: 8000
      IMAGOR_UNSAFE: 1 # unsafe URL for testing

      FILE_LOADER_BASE_DIR: /mnt/data # enable file loader by specifying base dir

      FILE_STORAGE_BASE_DIR: /mnt/data # enable file storage by specifying base dir
      FILE_STORAGE_MKDIR_PERMISSION: 0755 # optional
      FILE_STORAGE_WRITE_PERMISSION: 0666 # optional

      FILE_RESULT_STORAGE_BASE_DIR: /mnt/data/result # enable file result storage by specifying base dir

      - "8000:8000"


Docker Compose example with AWS S3. Also works with S3 compatible such as MinIO, DigitalOcean Space.

version: "3"
    image: shumc/imagor:latest
      PORT: 8000
      IMAGOR_SECRET: mysecret # secret key for URL signature
      AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: ...
      AWS_REGION: ...

      S3_LOADER_BUCKET: mybucket # enable S3 loader by specifying bucket
      S3_LOADER_BASE_DIR: images # optional

      S3_STORAGE_BUCKET: mybucket # enable S3 storage by specifying bucket
      S3_STORAGE_BASE_DIR: images # optional
      S3_STORAGE_ACL: public-read # optional - see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/acl-overview.html#canned-acl

      S3_RESULT_STORAGE_BUCKET: mybucket # enable S3 result storage by specifying bucket
      S3_RESULT_STORAGE_BASE_DIR: images/result # optional
      S3_RESULT_STORAGE_ACL: public-read # optional
      - "8000:8000"
Custom S3 Endpoint

Configure custom S3 endpoint for S3 compatible such as MinIO, DigitalOcean Space:

      S3_ENDPOINT: http://minio:9000

By default, S3 prepends bucket name as subdomain to the request URL:


this may not be desirable for a self-hosted endpoint. You can also switch to path-style requests using S3_FORCE_PATH_STYLE=1 such that the host remains unchanged:

Different AWS Credentials for S3 Loader, Storage and Result Storage

Set the following environment variables to override the global AWS Credentials for S3 Loader, Storage and Result Storage:




Google Cloud Storage

Docker Compose example with Google Cloud Storage:

version: "3"
    image: shumc/imagor:latest
      - ./googlesecret:/etc/secrets/google
      PORT: 8000
      IMAGOR_SECRET: mysecret # secret key for URL signature
      GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS: /etc/secrets/google/appcredentials.json # google cloud secrets file

      GCLOUD_LOADER_BUCKET: mybucket # enable loader by specifying bucket
      GCLOUD_LOADER_BASE_DIR: images # optional

      GCLOUD_STORAGE_BUCKET: mybucket # enable storage by specifying bucket
      GCLOUD_STORAGE_BASE_DIR: images # optional
      GCLOUD_STORAGE_ACL: publicRead # optional - see https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/json_api/v1/objects/insert

      GCLOUD_RESULT_STORAGE_BUCKET: mybucket # enable result storage by specifying bucket
      GCLOUD_RESULT_STORAGE_BASE_DIR: images/result # optional
      GCLOUD_RESULT_STORAGE_ACL: publicRead # optional
      - "8000:8000"

Storage and Result Storage Path Style

Storage and Result Storage path style enables additional hashing rules to the storage path when loading and saving images:






URL Signature

In production environment, it is highly recommended turning off IMAGOR_UNSAFE and setting up URL signature using IMAGOR_SECRET, to prevent DDoS attacks that abuse multiple image operations.

The URL signature hash is based on SHA digest, created by taking the URL path (excluding /unsafe/) with secret. The hash is then Base64 URL encoded. An example in Node.js:

const crypto = require('crypto');

function sign(path, secret) {
  const hash = crypto.createHmac('sha1', secret)
          .replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '_')
  return hash + '/' + path

console.log(sign('500x500/top/raw.githubusercontent.com/cshum/imagor/master/testdata/gopher.png', 'mysecret'))
// cST4Ko5_FqwT3BDn-Wf4gO3RFSk=/500x500/top/raw.githubusercontent.com/cshum/imagor/master/testdata/gopher.png

Custom HMAC Signer

imagor uses SHA1 HMAC signer by default, the same one used by thumbor. However, SHA1 is not considered cryptographically secure. If that is a concern it is possible to configure different signing method and truncate length. imagor supports sha1, sha256, sha512 signer type:


The Node.js example then becomes:

const crypto = require('crypto');

function sign(path, secret) {
  const hash = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret)
          .slice(0, 40)
          .replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '_')
  return hash + '/' + path

console.log(sign('500x500/top/raw.githubusercontent.com/cshum/imagor/master/testdata/gopher.png', 'mysecret'))
// IGEn3TxngivD0jy4uuiZim2bdUCvhcnVi1Nm0xGy/500x500/top/raw.githubusercontent.com/cshum/imagor/master/testdata/gopher.png

Image Bombs Prevention

imagor checks the image type and its resolution before the actual processing happens. The processing will be rejected if the image dimensions are too big, which protects from so-called "image bombs". You can set the max allowed image resolution and dimensions using VIPS_MAX_RESOLUTION, VIPS_MAX_WIDTH, VIPS_MAX_HEIGHT:


Allowed Sources and Base URL

Whitelist specific hosts to restrict loading images only from the allowed sources using HTTP_LOADER_ALLOWED_SOURCES or HTTP_LOADER_ALLOWED_SOURCE_REGEXP.

Alternatively, it is possible to set a base URL for loading images strictly from one HTTP source. This also trims down the base URL from image endpoint:

Example URL:


With HTTP Loader Base URL config:


The example URL then becomes:


Metadata and Exif

imagor provides metadata endpoint that extracts information such as image format, resolution and Exif metadata. Under the hood, it tries to retrieve data just enough to extract the header, without reading and processing the whole image in memory.

To use the metadata endpoint, add /meta right after the URL signature hash before the image operations. Example:

  "format": "jpeg",
  "content_type": "image/jpeg",
  "width": 50,
  "height": 34,
  "orientation": 1,
  "pages": 1,
  "bands": 3,
  "exif": {
    "ApertureValue": "368640/65536",
    "ColorSpace": 1,
    "ComponentsConfiguration": "Y Cb Cr -",
    "Compression": 6,
    "DateTime": "2008:07:31 10:38:11",
    "ISOSpeedRatings": 100,
    "Make": "Canon",
    "MeteringMode": 5,
    "Model": "Canon EOS 40D",

Prepending /params to the existing endpoint returns the endpoint attributes in JSON form, useful for previewing the endpoint parameters. Example:

curl 'http://localhost:8000/params/g5bMqZvxaQK65qFPaP1qlJOTuLM=/fit-in/500x400/0x20/filters:fill(white)/raw.githubusercontent.com/cshum/imagor/master/testdata/gopher.png'

Go Library

imagor is a Go library built with speed, security and extensibility in mind. It facilitates high-level image processing in a modular architecture made up of a series of Go packages:

Install libvips and enable CGO:

See example below and also examples folder for various ways you can use imagor:

package main

import (

func main() {
    app := imagor.New(
    ctx := context.Background()
    if err := app.Startup(ctx); err != nil {
    defer app.Shutdown(ctx)
    blob, err := app.Serve(ctx, imagorpath.Params{
        Image:  "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cshum/imagor/master/testdata/gopher.png",
        Width:  500,
        Height: 500,
        Smart:  true,
        Filters: []imagorpath.Filter{
            {"fill", "white"},
            {"format", "jpg"},
    if err != nil {
    reader, _, err := blob.NewReader()
    if err != nil {
    defer reader.Close()
    file, err := os.Create("gopher.jpg")
    if err != nil {
    defer file.Close()
    if _, err := io.Copy(file, reader); err != nil {


imagor supports command-line arguments and environment variables for the arguments equivalent in capitalized snake case, see available options imagor -h. For instances -imagor-secret would become IMAGOR_SECRET:

# both are equivalent

imagor -debug -imagor-secret 1234


Configuration can also be specified in a .env environment variable file and referenced with the -config flag:

imagor -config path/to/config.env



Available options

imagor -h
Usage of imagor:
        Debug mode
  -port int
        Server port (default 8000)
        imagor version
  -config string
        Retrieve configuration from the given file (default ".env")

  -imagor-secret string
        Secret key for signing imagor URL
        Unsafe imagor that does not require URL signature. Prone to URL tampering
        Output WebP format automatically if browser supports
        Output AVIF format automatically if browser supports (experimental)
  -imagor-base-params string
        imagor endpoint base params that applies to all resulting images e.g. filters:watermark(example.jpg)
  -imagor-signer-type string
        imagor URL signature hasher type: sha1, sha256, sha512 (default "sha1")
  -imagor-signer-truncate int
        imagor URL signature truncate at length
  -imagor-result-storage-path-style string
        imagor result storage path style: original, digest, suffix (default "original")
  -imagor-storage-path-style string
        imagor storage path style: original, digest (default "original")
  -imagor-cache-header-ttl duration
        imagor HTTP cache header ttl for successful image response (default 168h0m0s)
  -imagor-cache-header-swr duration
        imagor HTTP Cache-Control header stale-while-revalidate for successful image response (default 24h0m0s)
        imagor HTTP Cache-Control header no-cache for successful image response
  -imagor-request-timeout duration
        Timeout for performing imagor request (default 30s)
  -imagor-load-timeout duration
        Timeout for imagor Loader request, should be smaller than imagor-request-timeout
  -imagor-save-timeout duration
        Timeout for saving image to imagor Storage
  -imagor-process-timeout duration
        Timeout for image processing
  -imagor-process-concurrency int
        Maximum number of image process to be executed simultaneously. Requests that exceed this limit are put in the queue. Set -1 for no limit (default -1)
  -imagor-process-queue-size int
        Maximum number of image process that can be put in the queue. Requests that exceed this limit are rejected with HTTP status 429
  -imagor-base-path-redirect string
        URL to redirect for imagor / base path e.g. https://www.google.com
        Check modified time of result image against the source image. This eliminates stale result but require more lookups
        imagor disable /params endpoint
        imagor disable response body on error

  -server-address string
        Server address
        Enable CORS
        Enable strip query string redirection
  -server-path-prefix string
        Server path prefix
        Enable server access log

  -prometheus-bind string
        Specify address and port to enable Prometheus metrics, e.g. :5000, prom:7000
  -prometheus-path string
        Prometheus metrics path (default "/")

  -http-loader-allowed-sources string
        HTTP Loader allowed hosts whitelist to load images from if set. Accept csv wth glob pattern e.g. *.google.com,*.github.com.
  -http-loader-base-url string
        HTTP Loader base URL that prepends onto existing image path. This overrides the default scheme option.
  -http-loader-forward-headers string
        Forward request header to HTTP Loader request by csv e.g. User-Agent,Accept
  -http-loader-override-response-headers string
        Override HTTP Loader response header to image response by csv e.g. Cache-Control,Expires
        Forward browser client request headers to HTTP Loader request
        HTTP Loader to use HTTP transport with InsecureSkipVerify true
  -http-loader-max-allowed-size int
        HTTP Loader maximum allowed size in bytes for loading images if set
  -http-loader-proxy-urls string
        HTTP Loader Proxy URLs. Enable HTTP Loader proxy only if this value present. Accept csv of proxy urls e.g. http://user:pass@host:port,http://user:pass@host:port
  -http-loader-allowed-source-regexp string
        HTTP Loader allowed hosts regexp to load images from if set. Combines as OR with allowed host glob pattern sources.
  -http-loader-proxy-allowed-sources string
        HTTP Loader Proxy allowed hosts that enable proxy transport, if proxy URLs are set. Accept csv wth glob pattern e.g. *.google.com,*.github.com.
  -http-loader-default-scheme string
        HTTP Loader default scheme if not specified by image path. Set "nil" to disable default scheme. (default "https")
  -http-loader-accept string
        HTTP Loader set request Accept header and validate response Content-Type header (default "*/*") 
        HTTP Loader rejects connections to link local network IP addresses.
        HTTP Loader rejects connections to loopback network IP addresses.
        HTTP Loader rejects connections to private network IP addresses.
  -http-loader-block-networks string
        HTTP Loader rejects connections to link local network IP addresses. This options takes a comma separated list of networks in CIDR notation e.g ::1/128,
        Disable HTTP Loader

  -file-safe-chars string
        File safe characters to be excluded from image key escape. Set -- for no-op
  -file-loader-base-dir string
        Base directory for File Loader. Enable File Loader only if this value present
  -file-loader-path-prefix string
        Base path prefix for File Loader
  -file-result-storage-base-dir string
        Base directory for File Result Storage. Enable File Result Storage only if this value present
  -file-result-storage-mkdir-permission string
        File Result Storage mkdir permission (default "0755")
  -file-result-storage-path-prefix string
        Base path prefix for File Result Storage
  -file-result-storage-write-permission string
        File Storage write permission (default "0666")
  -file-result-storage-expiration duration
        File Result Storage expiration duration e.g. 24h. Default no expiration
  -file-storage-base-dir string
        Base directory for File Storage. Enable File Storage only if this value present
  -file-storage-path-prefix string
        Base path prefix for File Storage
  -file-storage-mkdir-permission string
        File Storage mkdir permission (default "0755")
  -file-storage-write-permission string
        File Storage write permission (default "0666")
  -file-storage-expiration duration
        File Storage expiration duration e.g. 24h. Default no expiration

  -aws-access-key-id string
        AWS Access Key ID. Required if using S3 Loader or S3 Storage
  -aws-region string
        AWS Region. Required if using S3 Loader or S3 Storage
  -aws-secret-access-key string
        AWS Secret Access Key. Required if using S3 Loader or S3 Storage
  -aws-session-token string
        AWS Session Token. Optional temporary credentials token
  -s3-endpoint string
        Optional S3 Endpoint to override default
  -s3-safe-chars string
        S3 safe characters to be excluded from image key escape. Set -- for no-op
        S3 force the request to use path-style addressing s3.amazonaws.com/bucket/key, instead of bucket.s3.amazonaws.com/key
  -s3-loader-bucket string
        S3 Bucket for S3 Loader. Enable S3 Loader only if this value present
  -s3-loader-base-dir string
        Base directory for S3 Loader
  -s3-loader-path-prefix string
        Base path prefix for S3 Loader
  -s3-result-storage-bucket string
        S3 Bucket for S3 Result Storage. Enable S3 Result Storage only if this value present
  -s3-result-storage-base-dir string
        Base directory for S3 Result Storage
  -s3-result-storage-path-prefix string
        Base path prefix for S3 Result Storage
  -s3-result-storage-acl string
        Upload ACL for S3 Result Storage (default "public-read")
  -s3-result-storage-expiration duration
        S3 Result Storage expiration duration e.g. 24h. Default no expiration
  -s3-storage-bucket string
        S3 Bucket for S3 Storage. Enable S3 Storage only if this value present
  -s3-storage-base-dir string
        Base directory for S3 Storage
  -s3-storage-path-prefix string
        Base path prefix for S3 Storage
  -s3-storage-acl string
        Upload ACL for S3 Storage (default "public-read")
  -s3-storage-expiration duration
        S3 Storage expiration duration e.g. 24h. Default no expiration

  -aws-loader-access-key-id string
        AWS Access Key ID for S3 Loader to override global config
  -aws-loader-region string
        AWS Region for S3 Loader to override global config
  -aws-loader-secret-access-key string
        AWS Secret Access Key for S3 Loader to override global config
  -aws-loader-session-token string
        AWS Session Token for S3 Loader to override global config
  -s3-loader-endpoint string
        Optional S3 Loader Endpoint to override default
  -aws-storage-access-key-id string
        AWS Access Key ID for S3 Storage to override global config
  -aws-storage-region string
        AWS Region for S3 Storage to override global config
  -aws-storage-secret-access-key string
        AWS Secret Access Key for S3 Storage to override global config
  -aws-storage-session-token string
        AWS Session Token for S3 Storage to override global config
  -s3-storage-endpoint string
        Optional S3 Storage Endpoint to override default
  -aws-result-storage-access-key-id string
        AWS Access Key ID for S3 Result Storage to override global config
  -aws-result-storage-region string
        AWS Region for S3 Result Storage to override global config
  -aws-result-storage-secret-access-key string
        AWS Secret Access Key for S3 Result Storage to override global config
  -aws-result-storage-session-token string
        AWS Session Token for S3 Result Storage to override global config
  -s3-result-storage-endpoint string
        Optional S3 Storage Endpoint to override default

  -gcloud-safe-chars string
        Google Cloud safe characters to be excluded from image key escape. Set -- for no-op
  -gcloud-loader-base-dir string
        Base directory for Google Cloud Loader
  -gcloud-loader-bucket string
        Bucket name for Google Cloud Storage Loader. Enable Google Cloud Loader only if this value present
  -gcloud-loader-path-prefix string
        Base path prefix for Google Cloud Loader
  -gcloud-result-storage-acl string
        Upload ACL for Google Cloud Result Storage
  -gcloud-result-storage-base-dir string
        Base directory for Google Cloud Result Storage
  -gcloud-result-storage-bucket string
        Bucket name for Google Cloud Result Storage. Enable Google Cloud Result Storage only if this value present
  -gcloud-result-storage-expiration duration
        Google Cloud Result Storage expiration duration e.g. 24h. Default no expiration
  -gcloud-result-storage-path-prefix string
        Base path prefix for Google Cloud Result Storage
  -gcloud-storage-acl string
        Upload ACL for Google Cloud Storage
  -gcloud-storage-base-dir string
        Base directory for Google Cloud
  -gcloud-storage-bucket string
        Bucket name for Google Cloud Storage. Enable Google Cloud Storage only if this value present
  -gcloud-storage-expiration duration
        Google Cloud Storage expiration duration e.g. 24h. Default no expiration
  -gcloud-storage-path-prefix string
        Base path prefix for Google Cloud Storage

  -vips-max-animation-frames int
        VIPS maximum number of animation frames to be loaded. Set 1 to disable animation, -1 for unlimited
        VIPS disable blur operations for vips processor
  -vips-disable-filters string
        VIPS disable filters by csv e.g. blur,watermark,rgb
  -vips-max-filter-ops int
        VIPS maximum number of filter operations allowed. Set -1 for unlimited (default -1)
  -vips-max-width int
        VIPS max image width
  -vips-max-height int
        VIPS max image height
  -vips-max-resolution int
        VIPS max image resolution
        VIPS enable maximum compression with MozJPEG. Requires mozjpeg to be installed
  -vips-avif-speed int
        VIPS avif speed, the lowest is at 0 and the fastest is at 9 (Default 5).
        VIPS strips all metadata from the resulting image