csiro-risk-assessment / mozzie

Mosquito lifecycle, diffusion and advection
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Mosquito lifecycle, diffusion and advection


Mozzie enables simulation of the lifecycle and spatial spread of mosquitoes. Mozzie can be used to assess risks associated with disease-control strategies at local, regional or continental scales. Strategies involving genetic alterations of mosquitoes to eliminate malaria, are of prime interest.

More technically, Mozzie simulates a population-dynamics model that uses differential equations or delay differential equations to describe the spread and persistence of mosquitoes that may be genetic altered. Genetic alterations are flexibly modelled: these can involve any number of alleles; Mendelian or non-Mendelian inheritance, including gene drives; they can be self-limiting or self-sustaining; and can include the emergence of resistant allelles. The model allows simulation of any number of mosquito species. It incorporates mate-choice, hybridisation and intra-specific competition that occur within complexes of mosquito species. This fills a gap that currently exists among similar models, allowing researchers to assess potential transfer of the genetic alterations between (sub-)species.

Mozzie supports spatial and temporal variations in lifecyle parameters, and local diffusion and wind-assisted, long range, advection. For example, wind patterns and the capacity of the landscape to support mosquitoes can vary spatially and temporally, reflecting daily variations, seasonality, and local conditions.

Conversely, Mozzie does not contain human agents, nor does it consider the effect of genetic control strategies on the prevalence of pathogens such as the malaria parasite, among human or animal populations.


Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) welcomes contributions to this code. The recommended method is to:

  1. Submit an Issue on github, describing the reasons for your potential contribution;
  2. Engage in discussions with CSIRO staff on github regarding the best architecture, etc, for your contribution;
  3. When your contribution is ready, issue a Pull Request on github.

CSIRO does not guarantee to inspect such contributions, nor accept them into the code.

Licensing and disclaimers

This code is released under a GPLv3 license. To discuss other licenses, please contact CSIRO via github.

Copyright (c) 2024 Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) ABN 41 687 119 230.

CSIRO does not make any guarantees of accuracy or relevance of the code. CSIRO does not guarantee the code has no security vulnerabilities. CSIRO does not guarantee to bug-fix or security-fix the code. CSIRO reserves the right to "retire" the code and make no further changes.

Reporting problems and seeking support

Please report problems using a new github issue. Please tag someone (eg @WilkAndy) in your issue. CSIRO will endeavour to fix any problems, but does not guarantee to do so.

To seek help, please also use a new github issue, and please tag someone (eg @WilkAndy). Using a github issue means that future users may benefit from the solution to your problem. CSIRO will endeavour to help, but does not guarantee to do so.

How to build and test the code

The core code is written in cython, which is a mix of python (ease of development) and C (performance). Your computer system possibly has all the necessary features already installed, but a vanilla system will need various items.

You must be familiar with the terminal (linux/mac) or command prompt (windows) to use the mozzie code. In the remainder of this document, the python interpreter will be denoted by python3, even though the python interpreter may be invoked by python or py, etc, on your system.

Step 0

Obtain the mozzie code. This will probably be via a git clone command, and probably you have already done this step.

Step 1a

Ensure your system has python3 with pip and venv, cmake and a C compiler. You may check by entering the following commands at the terminal:

On Windows computers, replace python3 with python or py here and elsewhere.

If one or more of these aren't available, one of the following could help.

Step 1b

Create a virtual environment and activate it. This is so you can pip install the necessary packages without conflicting with other things on your system.

On non-windows computers:

python3 -m venv ~/mozzie_venv
. ~/mozzie_venv/bin/activate

On windows computers using the command prompt:

python -m venv mozzie_venv

In the above commands, mozzie_venv can be any path you desire. You should remember it for later use of the mozzie software. Whenever you want to work with the mozzie software, you should first . ~/mozzie_venv/bin/activate (on non-windows computers) or mozzie_venv\Scripts\activate.bat (on windows computers using the command prompt).

Step 1c

Install all the required python packages:

pip install numpy scipy Cython coverage setuptools matplotlib

These may be installed into a directory that is not on your path. For instance, if coverage returns an error, you will have to modify your PATH variable. The matplotlib library is just used to plot the example figures.

Step 2

Compile the code. Navigate to the mozzie repository, and then

cd code
python3 setup.py build_ext --inplace

There may be some warnings from your Cython installation. Don't worry for now, but maybe later you can contribute changes to the code to avoid these warnings!

If you are going to use the code in earnest, you will very likely want to manipulate plaintext and binary input files, for which you need the ab_convert program (see below for documentation details). To create this program, navigate to the mozzie repository, and then

cd code/auxillary
cmake .
cmake --build .

Step 3

Test the code. Navigate to the mozzie repository and then

cd tests
coverage run -m unittest -v
coverage report

You may get some errors associated with MAX_FILE_LENGTH being too large if you are running on a computer with not enough memory.

You are now ready to start using or developing the code!


Before attempting a full-scale simulation with complicated lifecycle dynamics, you might want to inspect the samples found in the primers directory. In order of increasing complexity, these are:

Each of these python files contains extensive in-code documentation. Run each of them using, for instance, python3 logistic.py.

How to set up a simulation

The core code consists of python objects that you must instantiate in a "runner" python script that defines your mathematical model. The aforementioned primers contain simple examples, and now we describe example1/runner.py that contains all the components of a full-scale simulation. There are other more sophisticated models in the other example* directories. Run the simulations using, for example,

python3 runner.py

runner.py: the import block

The import block is used to import all the core libraries (described below) and any other python libraries you need. example1/runner.py looks like:

import os
import sys
import array
import timeit

# so we can find our ../code no matter how we are called
findbin = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]))
sys.path.append(findbin + "/../code")

from wind import Wind
from grid import Grid
from cellDynamics import CellDynamicsLogistic1_1
from spatialDynamics import SpatialDynamics
from spatialDependence import SpatialDependence
from populationsAndParameters import PopulationsAndParameters

The first imports are standard python libraries. In order of import, the others will enable: a definition of wind direction; a definition of the spatial grid; lifecycle dynamics governed by the logistic equation; spatial dynamics such as diffusion and wind advection; spatially-dependent lifecycle parameters such as the carrying capacity; populations and parameter quantities. These are discussed in more detail below.

runner.py: the grid block

This is a block of code in which you set up the grid and active cells, defining the spatial extents and discretisation of the model. You will use Grid and Grid.setActiveAndInactive. In example1/runner.py this looks like:

g1 = Grid(-4614.0, -3967.0, 5.0, 1517, 1667, False)

These lines set up a spatial grid of 5km x 5km, with 1517 x 1667 grid cells in the horizontal x vertical direction, with corner coordinate (-4614, -3967). Then, some of these cells are made inactive (no mosquitoes will live there: in this case because it an ocean area) using the setActiveAndInactive method.

runner.py: the spatially-dependent lifecycle parameters

In example1/runner.py, the carrying-capacity, cc, is spatially-dependent:

cc_parser = SpatialDependence(-4614.0, -3967.0, 5.0, 1517, 1667)
cc_parser.parse("carrying.csv", "generic_float", [])
cc = cc_parser.getData0()

Generally, you'll typically have to read multiple of these per lifecycle parameter, as the parameters will also vary with time. Each time, you will use SpatialDependence, SpatialDependence.restrictToActive, and getData0.

runner.py: lifecycle definition

This is typically one line. In example1/runner.py, we want to use a logistic-growth model, so it is:

cell = CellDynamicsLogistic1_1()

runner.py: setting populations, lifecycle parameters and initial conditions

First, define an object that contains all the mosquito populations over the grid, and all the lifecycle parameters (such as carrying capacity) associated with those populations:

all_pops = PopulationsAndParameters(g1, cell)

In this case, when the lifecycle parameter (carrying capacity) is time-independent, it is convenient to set it now. In CellDynamicsLogistic1_1, the second slot in the populations and paramemters array contains the carrying capacity at the cell, so:

pop_and_param_array = all_pops.getQuantities()
for i in range(g1.getNumActiveCells()):
   pop_and_param_array[2 * i + 1] = max(1.0, cc[i])

(The max ensures there is a nonzero carrying capacity everywhere). If carrying capacity were time-dependent then pop_and_param_array would be set during time-stepping, not during this initialisation phase (the primers contain examples of this).

There are various ways of defining initial ocnditions, and the example*/runner* provide examples. In this case, 10000 mosquitoes are introduced at (x, y) = (-2000, 700), and the carrying capacity is set to 150000 at that cell:

all_pops.setPopulationAndParametersFromXY(-2000, 700, [10000.0, 150000.0])

runner.py: readying for simulation

The populations and the cell dynamics together into a SpatialDynamics object, to be ready for lifecycle dynamics, diffusion and advection:

spatial = SpatialDynamics(g1, all_pops)

runner.py: defining wind

Wind advection is special in mozzie. It is always spatially dependent, and usually temporally dependent. It is not deemed a "parameter" such as carrying capacity because it is independent of the lifecycle dynamics. The mozzie Wind class is described in detail below: in example1/runner.py, the definition is:

import math
# define the probability function:
xa = [0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, 0.1, 0.12, 0.14, 0.17, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45, 0.5]
ya = [math.exp(-x * 6) for x in xa]
su = sum(ya)
ya = [y / sum(ya) for y in ya]
pdf = [[xa[i], ya[i]] for i in range(len(xa))]
# read the wind velocity vectors, and specify the desired proability function to use
wind = Wind(os.path.join(findbin, "raw_wind.csv"), os.path.join(findbin, "wind_8_subdivisions.csv"), pdf, g1)
# Parse the wind velocity vectors, and do particle tracking based on the probability function

Typically, you'll read multiple input files corresponding to different times.

runner.py: time-stepping the simulation

After all this set-up, finally we come to the simulation! Often, there are multiple blocks similar to the following, as different carrying capacities, wind vectors, etc are used at different times. But they will all use diffuse, evolveCells, and advect. The primers and example*/runner*.py contain examples. For example1/runner.py the block is simple:

timestep_size = 0.5
for i in range(501):
   sys.stdout.write("Time step " + str(i) + "\n")
   # lifecycle (logistically grow) using evolveCells for 0.5 days
   spatial.evolveCells(0.5 * 10) # the multiplication here is just because Logistic1_1 has a hard-coded 0.01 growth rate which is too tiny to notice anything interesting
   # now diffuse with diffusion coefficient 0.1 km^2/day
   spatial.diffuse(timestep_size, 0.1)
   # anow dvect 1% of the population at each cell using the defined wind
   spatial.advect(array.array('f', [0.01]), wind)
   if (i%100 == 0):
      spatial.outputCSV("runner_" + str(i) + "_days.csv", 0, "0", "")

Note that you will have to think carefully about the biological reality of your time-stepping. In the case above, logistic growth occurs only for half a day (during the daylight), and then diffusion and wind advection occur (eg, during the night).

runner.py: plotting results and general comments

Notice the spatial.outputCSV line above. This outputs populations to a CSV file (the arguments depend on the lifecycle chosen, such as logistic growth, or any of the other CellDynamics classes). Matplotlib can be used to plot the results. The primers mentioned above contain examples of this.

Because of th "block" structure of each runner.py script, you can run partial simulations, for instance, just processing wind files, or loading files, processing in some way and outputting to produce figures. You can also chain together multiple simulations that rely on just one initial block of file reading, to avoid reading data files for each and every simulation.

Directory layout

File I/O and memory requirements

Full-sized simulations require substantial file I/O and memory.

For this reason, you will typically want to read binary versions of the input files (that define wind, carrying-capacity, etc) rather than plaintext files. The only exception to this is the file that sets inactive/active cells: that must be plaintext. Reading a binary file using the optimised C parser (this is called csvparser in the code) is approximately 30 times faster than reading a plaintext CSV file using python (SpatialDependence.parse vs SpatialDependence.parseWithPython).

To instruct the code to read binary, rather than plaintext files, you need to ensure the SpatialDependence file-type is generic_float_binary (rather than just generic_float). Similarly, to instruct the code that your wind files ("raw" or "processed") are binary, use Wind.setBinaryFileFormat(1). The tests directory has examples of this.

To create a binary version of a plaintext file use the ab_convert program contained in the auxillary directory. ab_convert stands for "ascii-binary converter". Eg

./code/auxillary/ab_convert ascii2binary 1517 1667 generic_float plaintext.csv binary_version.bin

The ab_convert program has in-built documentation: just use ./code/auxillary/ab_convert without arguments to retrieve it. ab_convert can also convert binary files to plain-text. For instance:

./code/auxillary/ab_convert binary2ascii 1517 1667 wind_raw wind_file.bin wind_file.csv

The other choice that must be made regarding file I/O is whether to read "raw" wind files (describing the velocity at each grid cell) or "processed" wind files (describing the probability of a mosquito advecting between cells). Optimally, these are binary.

It is simply a matter of experimentation to determine whether reading "raw" or "processed" files is faster.

Remember that there are hardware limitations when considering file I/O. For example, Pearcey's /scratch1 SSDs have a read-speed of about 1GB/s (this is impacted by caching and other users). Processed, binary wind data can be read, checked and organised into data structures at a speed of about 0.7GB/s, indicating the code is close to optimal. Generic_float_binary data (describing carrying-capacity, etc) can be read and organised into data structures at greater than 0.8GB/s.

Lots of memory is needed when reading lots of data describing wind, etc. A lower bound on the program's memory requirements is the size of the binary files (sum of the "processed" wind and the generic_float_binary files). For instance, in a recent simulation, 1 year of processed wind files used 84GB on disk, so the simulation is going to use at least this amount of memory, assuming all the wind files (either "raw" or "processed") are read and stored. In reality, in this case this simulation uses almost exactly 84GB.


The units used should be consistent throughout. For instance, if the spatial grid is defined using km, and the time-step is measured in days, then the diffusivity should have units km*km/day, and the wind velocity should be in km/day.

Spatial structure and spatially-varying quantities

Mosquitoes are assumed to advect and diffuse over a grid of square cells, defined by:

The cells can be "active" or "inactive". This is specified through a CSV file. Indeed, all parameters that vary spatially, such as wind vectors, or carrying capacities, or outputted populations numbers, are held in similarly-formatted CSV files. All such CSV files must contain a header that begins with #xmin=... that specifies the quantities mentioned above. This facilitates error checking. Some files must contain other headers (defined below) and the code will complain if the headers are incorrect. Data is arranged in rows and must be defined over the entire grid, not just the active cells (data on the inactive cells is never used, however, except for wind data).

Here is an example "active/inactive" file:


The lines following the header lines (preceeded by "#") always correspond to rows of cells. The rows always appear in upside-down order, viz, in the above example:

You may include extra headers, preceded by "#", and they will be ignored.

Core code descriptions


This is a cython class that may be imported or cimported into other classes. It contains geometric information (xmin, ymin, cell_size, nx and ny), but its main purpose is to handle the following.

Grid also contains various other utility methods, and an outputActiveCSV(filename) method.


This is a cython class that may be imported or cimported into other classes. It's purpose is to load and hold spatially-dependent parameters, such as carrying capacity. Most simulations would involve many of these objects. It is instantiated with xmin, etc, information, which facilitates error checking in its other methods. The methods are:


This is a cython class that may be imported or cimported into other classes. Its purpose is to define wind advection, for a single time-step over the entire spatial grid defined by a Grid object. If wind advection does not change in time, just one Wind object is needed, while if wind advection changes daily or seasonally, multiple Wind objects will be needed.

A Wind object is instantiated with:

A Wind object is only of use if getProcessedDataComputed()==1. Upon construction, this is not true. To make this true, one (or both) of the following methods must be called.

After this, the Wind object is fully operational, and the useful methods are:

For any i, f[i] is the active cell index from which a mosquito is advecting, t[i] is the active cell index to which it is advecting, and p[i] is the probability of this occuring. This is stored in the processed data file and may be outputted using outputProcessedCSV() (as plaintext, or, if `setBinaryFileFormat(1), binary format).

Note that f may not contain all active cell indices. For instance, for a cell on the grid boundary, wind may instantly advect all mosquitoes out of the domain. Hence, p is the probability of moving from f to t, given that the mosquito is indeed advecting. It is not simply the probability of advecting away from f. This latter probability is specified in spatialDynamics.advect.


This is a cython class that may be imported or cimported into other classes. Its purpose is to define the mosquito lifecycle dynamics (ODEs) at the grid-cell level. Different dynamics may be easily defined by inheriting from the base class (the X is replaced by something like Logistic). Look at doc/mosquito23.pdf for a description of the CellDynamicsMosquito23 class.

The following methods are important


This is a cython class that may be imported or cimported into other classes. Its purpose is to hold the populations and parameters for the entire active grid. It is constructed using the Grid and CellDynamicsX so that it knows the number of cells and populations+parameters per cell. It has some useful set methods for setting the populations and parameters, and a get method to retrieve these.


This is a cython class that may be imported into other classes. It provides methods to diffuse, advect and evolveCells the cell populations. It is constructed using the Grid and PopulationsAndParameters objects. Its most important methods are the following