cswendrowski / ProChat

A java VOIP and IM client
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ProChat is a VOIP/IM program built in Java, and designed to be a good replacement for Skype. Built on Jabber using the Smack API, ProChat offers a large variety of useful HTML features, such as images, text sizes, text colors, hyperlinks, and automatic subreddit linking.

ProChat is currently in Alpha, but being developed in a feature-first style. Each release, unless noted otherwise, is generally very stable and functional. Any bugs found in a current release should be reported so that I can fix it ASAP.

ProChat differs from other programs, like Skype, by being built to use minimal resources. Programs like Skype use an excessive amount of system resources, such as a high level of RAM and CPU usage. ProChat is build using threadPools and optimized methods to provide a highly functional product with almost no resource usage. Additionally, ProChat follows the design principle of being easy to use while offering high levels of power. This is done through a simple interface that has a lot of power options built into easy-to-use buttons and menus.