cszyzhang / RISurConv

Official codes for ECCV2024 paper: RISurConv: Rotation Invariant Surface Attention-Augmented Convolutions for 3D Point Cloud Classification and Segmentation
MIT License
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RISurConv: Rotation Invariant Surface Attention-Augmented Convolutions for 3D Point Cloud Classification and Segmentation

European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2024) Oral | PDF

Zhiyuan Zhang, Licheng Yang, Zhiyu Xiang.

If you found this paper useful in your research, please cite:

  title={RISurConv: Rotation Invariant Surface Attention-Augmented Convolutions for 3D Point Cloud Classification and Segmentation},
  author={Zhang, Zhiyuan and Yang, Licheng and Xiang, Zhiyu},
  booktitle={2024 European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},


This repo provides the RISurConv source codes, which had been tested with Python 3.10.14, PyTorch 1.9.0, CUDA 12.1 on Ubuntu 20.04.

Install the pointnet++ cuda operation library by running the following command:

cd pointops
python3 setup.py install
cd ..


Pretrained Models

We provide pretrained models for all the experiments in this work. Please download the zip file HERE. The zip file contains the pretrained models as well as the training log files. Unzip the log fold under the project folder. Make sure that folder architectures are as follows:

├── FG3D
├── modelnet40_preprocessed/
├── scanobjectnn/
├── shapenetcore_partanno_segmentation_benchmark_v0_normal/
├── data_utils/
├── log/
│   ├── classification_FG3D/
│   ├── classification_modelnet40/
│   ├── classification_scanobj/
│   ├── classification_partseg/
├── models/
├── pointops/
├── test_classification_FG3D.py
├── test_classification_modelnet40.py
├── test_classification_scanobj.py
├── test_partseg.py
├── train_classification_FG3D.py
├── train_classification_modelnet40.py
├── train_classification_scanobj.py
├── train_partseg.py


We perform classification on FG3D, ModelNet40 and ScanObjectNN respectively.


Download the FG3D dataset here and save the file into ../data/FG3D/. The origianl data format is mesh, please use --process_data to preprocess the data to extract the point cloud and the corresponding normal vectors, and put the processed data to ../data/FG3D/. Alternatively, you can also download the pre-processd data here and unzip it in ../data/FG3D/. (Note: the data/ folder is outside the project folder)

There are 3 categories in FG3D dataset: Airplane, Chair, Car. To train a RISurConv model to classify object in the airplane category:

python3 train_classification_FG3D.py --category 'airplane' --epoch 300 --decay_rate 1e-2

For testing, you can use your trained model by specifying --log_dir or use our pretrained model directly (make sure the pretrained best_model.pth is in log/classification_FG3D/airplane/pretrained/checkpoints/):

python3 test_classification_FG3D.py --category 'airplane' --log_dir 'pretrained'

To train a RISurConv model to classify object in the chair category:

python3 train_classification_FG3D.py --category 'chair'

For testing, you can use your trained model by specifying --log_dir or use our pretrained model directly (make sure the pretrained best_model.pth is in log/classification_FG3D/chair/pretrained/checkpoints/):

python3 test_classification_FG3D.py --category 'chair' --log_dir 'pretrained'

To train a RISurConv model to classify object in the car category:

python3 train_classification_FG3D.py --category 'car'

For testing, you can use your trained model by specifying --log_dir or use our pretrained model directly (make sure the pretrained best_model.pth is in log/classification_FG3D/car/pretrained/checkpoints/):

python3 test_classification_FG3D.py --category 'car' --log_dir 'pretrained'


Download alignment ModelNet here and save in ../data/modelnet40_normal_resampled/. Follow the instructions of PointNet++(Pytorch) to prepare the data. Specifically, please use --process_data to preprocess the data, and move the processed data to ../data/modelnet40_preprocessed/. Alternatively, you can also download the pre-processd data here and save it in ../data/modelnet40_preprocessed/. (Note: the data/ folder is outside the project folder)

To train a RISurConv model to classify shapes in the ModelNet40 dataset:

python3 train_classification_modelnet40.py

For testing, you can use your trained model by specifying --log_dir or use our pretrained model directly (make sure the pretrained best_model.pth is in log/classification_modelnet40/pretrained/checkpoints/):

python3 test_classification_modelnet40.py --log_dir 'pretrained'


Download the ScanObjectNN here and save the main_split and main_split_nobg subfolders that inlcude the h5 files into the ../data/scanobjectnn/ (Note: the data/ folder is outside the project folder)

Training on the hardest variant PB_T50_RS:

python3 train_classification_scanobj.py --data_type 'hardest'

For testing, you can use your trained model by specifying --log_dir or use our pretrained model directly (make sure the pretrained best_model.pth is in log/classification_scanobj/pretrained/checkpoints/):

python3 test_classification_scanobj.py --data_type 'hardest' --log_dir 'pretrained'


We perform part segmentation and semantic segmentation on ShapeNet and S3DIS respectively.


Download alignment ShapeNet here and save in ../data/shapenetcore_partanno_segmentation_benchmark_v0_normal/. (Note: the data/ folder is outside the project folder)


python3 train_partseg.py

For testing, you can use your trained model by specifying --log_dir or use our pretrained model directly (make sure the pretrained best_model.pth is in log/partseg/pretrained/checkpoints/):

python3 test_partseg.py --log_dir 'pretrained'


This repository is released under MIT License (see LICENSE file for details).