ctcDNightmare / avorion-scrapyardplus

ScrapyardPlus - a mod for Avorion
1 stars 4 forks source link
avorion gamemod hacktoberfest lua mod


Build Status Codeship Status for ctcDNightmare/avorion-scrapyardplus

Your salvaging ops are longer then 60 minutes?
You want to get something in return for grinding all the precious reputation?

With ScrapyardPlus you can:

Installation (without steam workshop)

  1. download & extract the mod into %AppData%\Avorion\mods\ folder on Windows or ~/.avorion/mods/ on Unix-based systems

  2. done

Default Config

-- general
config.enableDebug = false -- [Default: false] Enable/Disable detailed log output
config.alliancePriceFactor = 4.5 -- [Default: 4.5] How much alliances have to pay more for a salvaging license
config.pricePerMinute = 175 -- [Default: 175] Price per one minute of salvaging

-- timers / announcements
config.advertisementTimer = 120 -- [Default: 120] Time (in seconds) when the scrapyard will spam the system with "get a license now"
config.expirationTimeNotice = 600 -- [Default: 600] Time (in seconds) at which the first reminder will be send to players/alliances about their license running out
config.expirationTimeWarning = 300 -- [Default: 300] Time (in seconds) at which the second reminder will be send to players/alliances about their license running out
config.expirationTimeCritical = 120 -- [Default: 120] Time (in seconds) at which the third reminder will be send to players/alliances about their license running out
config.expirationTimeFinal = 30 -- [Default: 30] Time (in seconds) at which the FINAL reminder will be send to players/alliances about their license running out

-- lifetime
config.allowLifetime = true -- [Default: true] Enable/Disable the ability to get lifetime salvaging licenses
config.lifetimeRepRequired = 100000 -- [Default: 100000] Minimum required reputation before you start to gather experience towards lifetime
config.lifetimeExpTicks = 1000 -- [Default: 1000] Actions (in ticks) after the player/alliance will get experience
config.lifetimeExpRequired = 100000 -- [Default: 100000] Amount of experience to unlock lifetime-license
config.lifetimeExpFactor = 0.75 -- [Default: 0.75] Factor to de-/increase the base experience calculation
config.lifetimeAllianceFactor = 0.5 -- [Default: 0.5] Factor to de-/increase the amount an alliance will get compared to a player
config.lifetimeExpBaseline = 7 -- [Default: 7] Base value of experience that's always granted

-- high traffic system
config.highTrafficChance = 0.3 -- [Default: 0.3] Chance that a discovered system is regenerative
config.enableRegen = true -- [Default: true] Enable/Disable the regeneration of wrecks inside a system
config.regenSpawntime = 15 -- [Default: 15] Time (in minutes) how often new event will start to spawn wrecks

-- events
config.enableDisasters = false -- [Default: true] Enable/Disable events from the (G)lobal (O)rganization of (D)isasters
config.disasterChance = 0.03 -- [Default: 0.03] Chance that something bad will happen
config.disasterSpawnTime = 20 -- [Default: 30] Time (in minutes) how often it's checked if bad things will happen


Solo player after getting his first license
Solo player after getting his first license

Alliance player with normal reputation
Alliance player with normal relations

Nearly reached lifetime status but lost reputation before finishing it
Nearly there!

Finally reached lifetime status


Feedback & Discussion


Mentions & shoutouts