Open ctdax opened 4 months ago
DigiRaw step runs into an error, seems to be an issue with finding a particular file. Working to update the file name now.
EDIT: Error was found in lines 142 & 143 of 'PostLS1' was removed from the naming convetion.
Running into a new error, it seems the digiRaw step expects an ESSource or ESProducer for "GemChMapRcd", here is the error message.
WARNING: L1Trigger/L1TCommon/python/ has been deprecated...
WARNING: please use L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/python/
with DB:
entry file:data/Post2015_EXO-RunIISummer20UL18GENSIM-00010-v3_1000Events.root
Step: DIGI Spec:
Step: L1 Spec:
Step: DIGI2RAW Spec:
Step: ENDJOB Spec:
customising the process with customisePostLS1 from SLHCUpgradeSimulations/Configuration/postLS1Customs
# -- Warning! You are using a deprecated customisation function. --
# It will probably run fine, but the customisations you are getting may be out of date.
# You should update your configuration file by
# If using cmsDriver:
# 1) remove the "--customise SLHCUpgradeSimulations/Configuration/postLS1Customs.customisePostLS1" option
# 2) add the option "--era Run2_25ns"
# If using a pre-made configuration file:
# 1) remove or comment out the "process = customisePostLS1(process)" line.
# 2) add "from Configuration.Eras.Era_Run2_25ns_cff import Run2_25ns" to the TOP of the config file (above
# the process declaration).
# 3) add "Run2_25ns" as a parameter to the process object, e.g. "process = cms.Process('HLT',Run2_25ns)"
# There is more information at
Starting cmsRun data/M1800_13TeV_pythia8/
WARNING: L1Trigger/L1TCommon/python/ has been deprecated...
WARNING: please use L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/python/
# -- Warning! You are using a deprecated customisation function. --
# It will probably run fine, but the customisations you are getting may be out of date.
# You should update your configuration file by
# If using cmsDriver:
# 1) remove the "--customise SLHCUpgradeSimulations/Configuration/postLS1Customs.customisePostLS1" option
# 2) add the option "--era Run2_25ns"
# If using a pre-made configuration file:
# 1) remove or comment out the "process = customisePostLS1(process)" line.
# 2) add "from Configuration.Eras.Era_Run2_25ns_cff import Run2_25ns" to the TOP of the config file (above
# the process declaration).
# 3) add "Run2_25ns" as a parameter to the process object, e.g. "process = cms.Process('HLT',Run2_25ns)"
# There is more information at
2024-07-15 18:32:29.811285: I tensorflow/core/util/] oneDNN custom operations are on. You may see slightly different numerical results due to floating-point round-off errors from different computation orders. To turn them off, set the environment variable `TF_ENABLE_ONEDNN_OPTS=0`.
15-Jul-2024 18:32:32 CEST Initiating request to open file file:data/Post2015_EXO-RunIISummer20UL18GENSIM-00010-v3_1000Events.root
15-Jul-2024 18:32:35 CEST Successfully opened file file:data/Post2015_EXO-RunIISummer20UL18GENSIM-00010-v3_1000Events.root
----- Begin Fatal Exception 15-Jul-2024 18:34:40 CEST-----------------------
An exception of category 'NoRecord' occurred while
[0] Processing global begin Run run: 1
[1] Calling method for module GEMDigiToRawModule/'gemPacker'
Exception Message:
No "GEMChMapRcd" record found in the EventSetup.
Please add an ESSource or ESProducer that delivers such a record.
----- End Fatal Exception -------------------------------------------------
Another exception was caught while trying to clean up files after the primary fatal exception.
15-Jul-2024 18:34:40 CEST Closed file file:data/Post2015_EXO-RunIISummer20UL18GENSIM-00010-v3_1000Events.root
I updated the cmsDriver command as the warning suggested, the previous error was now replaced by a new error.
with DB:
entry file:data/Post2015_EXO-RunIISummer20UL18GENSIM-00010-v3_1000Events.root
Step: DIGI Spec:
Step: L1 Spec:
Step: DIGI2RAW Spec:
Step: ENDJOB Spec:
Starting cmsRun data/M1800_13TeV_pythia8/
15-Jul-2024 21:58:34 CEST Initiating request to open file file:data/Post2015_EXO-RunIISummer20UL18GENSIM-00010-v3_1000Events.root
15-Jul-2024 21:58:37 CEST Successfully opened file file:data/Post2015_EXO-RunIISummer20UL18GENSIM-00010-v3_1000Events.root
Begin processing the 1st record. Run 1, Event 1, LumiSection 1 on stream 0 at 15-Jul-2024 21:58:49.356 CEST
# FastJet release 3.4.1
# M. Cacciari, G.P. Salam and G. Soyez
# A software package for jet finding and analysis at colliders
# Please cite EPJC72(2012)1896 [arXiv:1111.6097] if you use this package
# for scientific work and optionally PLB641(2006)57 [hep-ph/0512210].
# FastJet is provided without warranty under the GNU GPL v2 or higher.
# It uses T. Chan's closest pair algorithm, S. Fortune's Voronoi code
# and 3rd party plugin jet algorithms. See COPYING file for details.
----- Begin Fatal Exception 15-Jul-2024 21:59:18 CEST-----------------------
An exception of category 'Invalid DetId' occurred while
[0] Processing Event run: 1 lumi: 1 event: 1 stream: 0
[1] Running path 'RAWSIMoutput_step'
[2] Prefetching for module PoolOutputModule/'RAWSIMoutput'
[3] Prefetching for module CSCDigiProducer/'simMuonCSCDigis'
[4] Calling method for module MixingModule/'mix'
Exception Message:
Cannot initialize HcalDetId from 24d0701b
----- End Fatal Exception -------------------------------------------------
Another exception was caught while trying to clean up files after the primary fatal exception.
15-Jul-2024 21:59:19 CEST Closed file file:data/Post2015_EXO-RunIISummer20UL18GENSIM-00010-v3_1000Events.root
Added a .sh script that passes GEN-SIM root files through the reconstruction chain with the help of Rafey, here is the commit.