Once you are in the cmslpc cluster or lxplus, run the following.
export SCRAM_ARCH=el9_amd64_gcc12
cmsrel CMSSW_14_0_9
cd CMSSW_14_0_9/src
For the following step you should have a ssh key associated to your GitHub account. For more information, see connecting-to-github-with-ssh-key.
git clone git@github.com:ctdax/SpikedRHadronAnalysis.git SUSYBSMAnalysis/SpikedRHadronAnalysis
cd SUSYBSMAnalysis/SpikedRHadronAnalysis
scram b -j 8
SpikedRHadronAnalyzer.cc analyzes AOD level ROOT files containing two R-Hadrons per event. The gluino AOD ROOT file that it is run on could not be tracked on Git due to it's size, it can be downloaded from cernBox and should be downloaded into the data directory inside of SpikedRHadronAnalysis.
Additionally, I recommend that you add the path of this directory to your $CMSSW_SEARCH_PATH by using the following command inside of the SpikedRHadronAnalysis directory (making sure to change {PWD}):
echo "export CMSSW_SEARCH_PATH={PWD}/:$CMSSW_SEARCH_PATH" > ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
Now this path will be added automatically whenever you login to the server.
Now you can use this command to run SpikedRHadronAnalyzer.cc
cmsRun python/SpikedRHadronAnalyzer_cfg.py
test/RHadronGun_cfg.py takes a custom input file for the available R-Hadron processes and outputs an AOD root file with 10 events. It can be run with the following command
cmsRun test/RHadronGun_cfg.py inputFiles=<INPUT_FILE> outputFile=<OUTPUT_FILE>
Alternatively, plugins/runRHadronGun.sh was built to run the RHadronGun over all process files in data/IndividualRHadronProcesses. If you would like to do this, use the command
If this is your first time using or seeing a CMSSW directory I highly recommend you checkout this brief presentation and also this twiki, particularly section 4.1.2 'Writing your own EDAnalyzer' of the twiki. Ultimately you should be able to run the analyzer smoothly inside of either directory via the command
cmsRun python/config_cfg.py
The SimCaloHitAnalyzer currently analyzes an AOD gluino root file which is present in config_cfg.py. The contents of the AOD file can either be observed in a TBrowser
root -l data/EXO-RunIISummer20UL18GENSIM-00010-v3.root
TBrowser b("Events")
or by using edmDump
edmDumpEventContent data/EXO-RunIISummer20UL18GENSIM-00010-v3.root