ctengiz / firewad

Web admin tool for Firebird SQL RDBMS
MIT License
10 stars 1 forks source link


Web admin tool for Firebird SQL RDBMS.

I love Firebird and I use it since InterBase was open-sourced (sooo long ago !). When I also began to use MacOSX for development two years ago I've missed tools I've used to use such as IBExpert. So this project is born.

Main Goals are :


The list below, is a mix of features completed and features which are planned to be implemented. Yet this is not a full plan list. It grows while I play with the project. Any suggestions are welcome.


Executable Distributions

Right now only Firewad is packaged as an executable for Windows platform, for MacOs and Linux I think running from source code is


Just grep the latest version from relases unzip and execute app.exe and browse to

Nix Flavours

Sorry, no binary distrubition yet. (use the source Luke!)

From Source


git clone https://github.com/ctengiz/firewad.git
cd firewad
pip install -r requirements.txt
python app.py

Now browse to

SECURITY WARNING : Code is not ready for public serve yet (as a www service), db passwords is stored as plaintext in dbconfig.ini and access to website is not secured. Use it only from localhost right now


firewad steps on the shoulders of

and of course