cthos / phantom-jetstream

Phantomjs script for logging of page resource timing.
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Phantom-Jetstream is an automated front-end testing tool designed to generate a human and machine readable output format upon which tests could be designed around.

At its most basic, it provides metrics on page resources, total page speed load time, and X-Cache misses.

It also can be used to parse a full subset of Google Pagespeed results (only the HTML output for this is presently formatted correctly.)

Vanilla Screenshot


npm install cthos/phantom-jetstream

Note: I haven't tested this as a global install.

Package Contents

The module defines several exports in main.js. You can see the various ones by looking in there.

Quick overview:


This is the main entry point class which does all of the heavy page lifting. You give it a phantom page object and the url which it should open (that's a little clunky, I might move the url to the open method), and you can chain various options to it.


var JetStream = require('phantom-jetstream');

var landingPage = new JetStream.PageSpeed(page, "http://www.alextheward.com")


This contains the logic to determine which reporting structure you want the results logged to.

By default, PageSpeed will not log to anything, and will just output the selected metrics to the commandline (without sorting).

With Reports, you can specify a file to output the metrics to (regardless of logging level), and it will do fancy things like sorting the resources by slowest first.


landingPage.reportGenerator(new JetStream.Reports.Report('output.txt'));


The output classes determine what the output of the Report class is, and defaults to TextOutput.

HtmlOutput is also available:

var output = new JetStream.Output.HtmlOutput();
var rp = new JetStream.Reports.Report('output.html', output);



phantom-jetstream allows for the simple collection of a few highwater-type metrics. It will log the longest resource time, as well as the final page request speed, and allow you to define fail thresholds for that data. Simple example:


var mt = new JetStream.Metrics.MetricTracker();
mt.addMetric('page-speed', '1000');
mt.addMetric('resource-speed', '200');


var ev = JetStream.Event.EventDispatcher.getInstance();

ev.bind('pageDone', function (event) {
  var failingMetrics = mt.testMetrics();

  phantom.exit(failingMetrics.length ? 1 : 0);


phantom-jetstream is bundled with a bare-bones event dispatcher. Some events pass along data as a second parameter to the callback, but not all do.

The list of events can be found in docs/events.md

var ev = JetStream.Event.EventDispatcher.getInstance();

ev.bind('pageDone', function (event) {  
  console.log("PAGE FINISHED!!!");

Site Speed

phantom-jetstream allows you to queue up several pages on a site, and have basic HTML reports generated about them.

var pages = [

var sspeed = new JetStream.SiteSpeed('http://alextheward.com', pages, '/tmp/sspeed/');
var ev = JetStream.Event.EventDispatcher.getInstance();

ev.bind('siteDone', function (event) {


Google Pagespeed

Basic Google Pagespeed reporting is included. You'll need an API_KEY, which can be obtained from google's developer console.

Basic example:

ev.bind('pageDone', function (event) {
  console.log("Starting Pagespeed");
  var ps = new JetStream.GooglePagespeed.GooglePageSpeed('KEY REDACTED');

ev.bind('googlePSDone', function(event) {
  console.log("Pagespeed done.")

The full example can be found in examples/gpagespeed.js

Report Screenshot

Google Pagespeed Screenshot