ctmakro / hellotensor

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computer-vision deep-learning tensorflow-experiments

hello, tensor!

My personal ML(mainly CV) experiments with various techniques and frameworks.


  1. Use Python 3 wherever possible. Personal language preference: JavaScript > Lua > Python. Python is good for numerical, while JS and Lua are good for programming in general.

  2. Keras rules, but one should always learn TensorFlow first before enjoying Keras's convenience (you always have to hack a few things).

    • update: I no longer use Keras, and switched to my own framework, Canton.
  3. When in doubt, Use Google. If Google doesn't work very well, use English. If English is not your thing, please give up. You shouldn't be here.

  4. Use TensorFlow (Keras' default backend) if you don't want to break things. I run TF on Windows with GPU support.

    • update: PyTorch is out, but I'm not switching
  5. Keep reading papers. It's good for you!