ctrf-io / playwright-ctrf-json-reporter

A Playwright JSON test results reporter that follows the CTRF schema
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playwright playwright-reporter test-automation test-reporting

Playwright JSON Test Results Report

Save Playwright test results as a JSON file

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A Playwright JSON test reporter to create test reports that follow the CTRF standard.

Common Test Report Format ensures the generation of uniform JSON test reports, independent of programming languages or test framework in use.

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  "results": {
    "tool": {
      "name": "playwright"
    "summary": {
      "tests": 1,
      "passed": 1,
      "failed": 0,
      "pending": 0,
      "skipped": 0,
      "other": 0,
      "start": 1706828654274,
      "stop": 1706828655782
    "tests": [
        "name": "ctrf should generate the same report with any tool",
        "status": "passed",
        "duration": 100
    "environment": {
      "appName": "MyApp",
      "buildName": "MyBuild",
      "buildNumber": "1"


npm install --save-dev playwright-ctrf-json-reporter

Add the reporter to your playwright.config.ts file:

reporter: [
  ['list'], // You can combine multiple reporters
  ['playwright-ctrf-json-reporter', {}]

Run your tests:

npx playwright test

You'll find a JSON file named ctrf-report.json in the ctrf directory.

Reporter Options

The reporter supports several configuration options:

reporter: [
    ['playwright-ctrf-json-reporter', {
        outputFile: 'custom-name.json', // Optional: Output file name. Defaults to 'ctrf-report.json'.
        outputDir: 'custom-directory',  // Optional: Output directory path. Defaults to '.' (project root).
        minimal: true,                  // Optional: Generate a minimal report. Defaults to 'false'. Overrides screenshot and testType when set to true
        screenshot: false,              // Optional: Include screenshots in the report. Defaults to 'false'.
        annotations: false,             // Optional: Include annotations in the report. Defaults to 'false'.
        testType: 'e2e',                // Optional: Specify the test type (e.g., 'api', 'e2e'). Defaults to 'e2e'.
        appName: 'MyApp',               // Optional: Specify the name of the application under test.
        appVersion: '1.0.0',            // Optional: Specify the version of the application under test.
        osPlatform: 'linux',            // Optional: Specify the OS platform.
        osRelease: '18.04',             // Optional: Specify the OS release version.
        osVersion: '5.4.0',             // Optional: Specify the OS version.
        buildName: 'MyApp Build',       // Optional: Specify the build name.
        buildNumber: '100',             // Optional: Specify the build number.
        buildUrl: "https://ctrf.io",    // Optional: Specify the build url.
        repositoryName: "ctrf-json",    // Optional: Specify the repository name.
        repositoryUrl: "https://gh.io", // Optional: Specify the repository url.
        branchName: "main",             // Optional: Specify the branch name.
        testEnvironment: "staging"      // Optional: Specify the test environment (e.g. staging, production).

A comprehensive report is generated by default, with the exception of screenshots, which you must explicitly set to true.

Merge reports

When running tests in parallel, each test shard has its own test report. If you want to have a combined report showing all the test results from all the shards, you can merge them.

The ctrf-cli package provides a method to merge multiple ctrf json files into a single file.

After executing your tests, use the following command:

npx ctrf merge <directory>

Replace directory with the path to the directory containing the CTRF reports you want to merge.

Test Object Properties

The test object in the report includes the following CTRF properties:

Name Type Required Details
name String Required The name of the test.
status String Required The outcome of the test. One of: passed, failed, skipped, pending, other.
duration Number Required The time taken for the test execution, in milliseconds.
start Number Optional The start time of the test as a Unix epoch timestamp.
stop Number Optional The end time of the test as a Unix epoch timestamp.
suite String Optional The suite or group to which the test belongs.
message String Optional The failure message if the test failed.
trace String Optional The stack trace captured if the test failed.
rawStatus String Optional The original playwright status of the test before mapping to CTRF status.
tags Array of Strings Optional The tags retrieved from the test name
type String Optional The type of test (e.g., api, e2e).
filepath String Optional The file path where the test is located in the project.
retries Number Optional The number of retries attempted for the test.
flaky Boolean Optional Indicates whether the test result is flaky.
browser String Optional The browser used for the test.
screenshot String Optional A base64 encoded screenshot taken during the test.
steps Array of Objects Optional Individual steps in the test, especially for BDD-style testing.

Advanced usage

Some features require additional setup or usage considerations.


By setting annotations: true you can include annotations in the test extra property.


You can include base-64 screenshots in your test report, you'll need to capture and attach screenshots in your Playwright tests:

import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'

test('basic test', async ({ page }, testInfo) => {
  await page.goto('https://playwright.dev')
  const screenshot = await page.screenshot({ quality: 50, type: 'jpeg' })
  await testInfo.attach('screenshot', {
    body: screenshot,
    contentType: 'image/jpeg',

Supported Formats

Both JPEG and PNG formats are supported, only the last screenshot attached from each test will be included in the report.

Size Considerations

Base64-encoded image data can greatly increase the size of your report, it's recommended to use screenshots with a lower quality setting (less than 50%) to reduce file size, particularly if you are generating JPEG images.


You can include browser information in your test report. You will need to extend Playwright's test object to capture and attach browser metadata for each test:

// tests/helpers.ts
import { test as _test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
import os from 'os';

export const test = _test.extend<{ _autoAttachMetadata: void }>({
    _autoAttachMetadata: [async ({ browser, browserName }, use, testInfo) => {
        // BEFORE: Generate an attachment for the test with the required info
        await testInfo.attach('metadata.json', {
            body: JSON.stringify({
                name: browserName,
                version: browser.version(),

        // ---------------------------------------------------------
        await use(/** our test doesn't need this fixture direcly */);
        // ---------------------------------------------------------

        // AFTER: There's nothing to cleanup in this fixutre
    }, { auto: true }],

export { expect };

Replace the standard Playwright test import with the custom test fixture in your test files:

// tests/my-test.spec.ts
import { test, expect } from './helpers' // Adjust the path as necessary

test('example test', async ({ page }) => {
  // ... your test logic ...

The browser metadata file must be called metadata.json and contain properties name and version in the body.

What is CTRF?

CTRF is a universal JSON test report schema that addresses the lack of a standardized format for JSON test reports.

Consistency Across Tools: Different testing tools and frameworks often produce reports in varied formats. CTRF ensures a uniform structure, making it easier to understand and compare reports, regardless of the testing tool used.

Language and Framework Agnostic: It provides a universal reporting schema that works seamlessly with any programming language and testing framework.

Facilitates Better Analysis: With a standardized format, programatically analyzing test outcomes across multiple platforms becomes more straightforward.

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