ctuning / ck-dnndk

Collective Knowledge workflows for DeePhi's DNNDK
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
8 stars 4 forks source link


All CK components for AI and ML are now collected in one repository!

A Collective Knowledge (CK) repository for DeePhi's DNNDK with a portable workflow and reusable components.



The files in this repository are licensed under the CK license (3-clause BSD), except the main.cc and Makefile files under program/ licensed under the DNNDK license (included with a written permission from Xilinx / DeePhi Tech, Inc., as part of collaboration between Xilinx and dividiti).


Setting up the host machine (Ubuntu workstation with CUDA)

Installing CK

CK minimally requires:

You can install CK in your local user space as follows:

user@host$ git clone http://github.com/ctuning/ck
user@host$ export PATH=$PWD/ck/bin:$PATH
user@host$ export PYTHONPATH=$PWD/ck:$PYTHONPATH

(You may want to put these into your $HOME/.bashrc.)

You can also install CK via pip to avoid setting up environment variables yourself either via the root account:

root@host# pip install ck

or via sudo:

user@host$ sudo pip install ck

Please see this CK Installation guide for further details. Please also feel free to read this Getting Started guide to learn about basic CK concepts.

Installing CK-DNNDK

Install the CK-DNNDK repository:

user@host$ ck pull repo:ck-dnndk

Installing DeePhi DNNDK

Installing dependencies

user@host$ sudo apt-get install -y --force-yes \
build-essential \
autoconf \
libtool \
libopenblas-dev \
libgflags-dev \
libgoogle-glog-dev \
libopencv-dev \
libprotobuf-dev \
protobuf-compiler \
libleveldb-dev \
liblmdb-dev \
libhdf5-dev \
libsnappy-dev \
libboost-system-dev \
libboost-thread-dev \
libboost-filesystem-dev \
libyaml-cpp-dev \

NB: Many of these dependencies appear to be needed for Caffe, and are probably statically linked into the DNNDK tools (so we shouldn't worry about them). A few of the dependencies, however, are dynamically linked, notably, Boost 1.58, HDF5 1.18, NCCL. The CK workflow takes care of them as much as possible.

Installing DNNDK

Download a DNNDK archive from DeePhi, save it to e.g. ~/Downloads/deephi_dnndk_v2.08_beta.tar.gz, and run:

user@host$ ck install package --tags=lib,dnndk --extra_version=08 \

CK will detect your environment (Ubuntu 14.04 or 16.04; CUDA 8.0, 9.0, 9.1) and offer to install the compatible DNNDK package.

NB: The CK workflow can be easily extended when DNNDK supports other environments (e.g. Ubuntu 18.04; CUDA 10.0).

Installing DNNDK models

To install models supported by DNNDK (when prompted for the installation path, press "Enter" to accept the default):

user@host$ ck install package:deephimodel-resnet50
user@host$ ck install package:deephimodel-inception-v1
user@host$ ck install package:deephimodel-vgg16

NB: You can also install the supported models interactively via:

user@host$ ck install package --tags=deephimodel

More than one package found:

 0) deephimodel-vgg16  Version fp32  (ea3b678fc516f374)
 1) deephimodel-resnet50  Version fp32  (23da52e1ee455394)
 2) deephimodel-inception-v1  Version fp32  (0ca4cfc443ba8794)

Setting up the ZCU102 board

NB: Depending on your board image, you may need to install gcc, git and other common utilities via apt before proceeding to the next step.

Installing DNNDK

root@zcu102# cd /root && ./install.sh
Begin to install DeePhi DNNDK ...
Install DeePhi DPU Driver ...
Install DeePhi tools, runtime & libraries ...
Complete installation successfully.
The BOOT.BIN and system.dtb have been replaced.
The system will reboot after 5 seconds ...

Installing CK

Installing CK-DNNDK

root@zcu102# ck pull repo:ck-dnndk

Installing the ImageNet validation set (50,000 images ~ 6.5 GB)

root@zcu102# ck install package:imagenet-2012-val

NB: For testing the workflows, you can also install a subset of images from this dataset (the first 500 images, ~64 MB):

root@zcu102# ck install package:imagenet-2012-val-min

Resizing the dataset to 224x224

As the ImageNet images come in all shapes in sizes, they need to be resized to the input of resolution of 224x224. As resizing images at runtime (online) may affect performance, you can resize images ahead of time (offline) as follows:

root@zcu102# ck show env --tags=imagenet,val
Env UID:         Target OS: Bits: Name:                         Version: Tags:

5354ee8e40829858   linux-64    64 ImageNet dataset (validation) 2012     64bits,caffe,channel-stable,dataset,host-os-linux-64,ilsvrc2012,ilsvrc2012min,imagenet,raw,small_dataset,target-os-linux-64,v2012,val

root@zcu102# ck load env:5354ee8e40829858 --tags=imagenet,val | grep full_path
      "full_path": "/root/CK_TOOLS/dataset-imagenet-ilsvrc2012-val-min/ILSVRC2012_val_00000001.JPEG",

root@zcu102# find /root/CK_TOOLS/dataset-imagenet-ilsvrc2012-val-min -name *.JPEG \
-exec convert -resize 224x224! -interpolate bilinear {} \;

Testing the models with prebuilt DPU binaries

You can test the models with 500 640x480 images (copied to /root/samples/common/image500_640_480/) using prebuilt DPU binaries provided in the DNNDK package as follows:

Converting DNNDK models

Installing calibration images

user@host$ ck install package --tags=deephi,calibration

FIXME: This downloads the ResNet50.tar.gz package from DeePhi. This may avoided if one of the DeePhi model packages is already installed. (All of them contain these images, so they can simply be detected.)

Converting models

To convert a Caffe model using DECENT, compile to ELF files using DNNC, and copy the ELF files to the board in one go, run:

user@host$ ck run program:caffe2deephi --cmd_key=a-b-c:convert-compile-copy

You can customize any of the following runtime environment variables (the default values are specified in parentheses):

by adding --env.KEY=VALUE to the command line.

For debugging, you can run the whole process step-by-step:

user@host$ ck run program:caffe2deephi --cmd_key=a:convert
user@host$ ck run program:caffe2deephi --cmd_key=b:compile
user@host$ ck run program:caffe2deephi --cmd_key=c:copy

The log files are located under the directory given with the command:

user@host$ ck find program:caffe2deephi

Running DNNDK models

Testing the models

Benchmarking the models

To measure accuracy on the ImageNet validation set (50,000 images), run:

Archiving the experimental results on the board

root@zcu102# ck list local:experiment:*
root@zcu102# ck zip local:experiment:* --archive_name=/root/ck-dnndk-xilinx-zcu102.zip

Copying the experimental results to the host

user@host$ scp -P 22 root@ ~/Downloads
user@host$ ck add repo --zip=~/Downloads/ck-dnndk-xilinx-zcu102.zip