cuba-platform / grapesjs-addon

GrapesJs HTML editor add-on for CUBA application. Built on GrapeJs javascript library with webpage preset.
Apache License 2.0
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GrapesJS HTML Editor


The add-on provides a visual HTML editor based on a GrapesJs JavaScript library with the extensive set of HTML elements. It allows building HTML templates without any knowledge of coding. All you need is to drag an element into the canvas. The wide range of options enables independent styling of any element inside the canvas.

Key features:


See sample application using this component.


The add-on can be added to your project in one of the ways described below. Installation from the Marketplace is the simplest way. The last version of the add-on compatible with the used version of the platform will be installed. Also, you can install the add-on by coordinates choosing the required version of the add-on from the table.

In case you want to install the add-on by manual editing or by building from sources see the complete add-ons installation guide in CUBA Platform documentation.

Then, if necessary you can extend an application theme: find Themes in the CUBA project tree, right click and go Manage Themes -> Create Theme Extension.

From the Marketplace

  1. Open your application in CUBA Studio. Check the latest version of CUBA Studio on the CUBA Platform site.

  2. Go to CUBA -> Marketplace in the main menu.


  3. Find the GrapesJS add-on there.


  4. Click Install and apply the changes. The add-on corresponding to the used platform version will be installed.

By coordinates

  1. Open your application in CUBA Studio. Check the latest version of CUBA Studio on the CUBA Platform site.

  2. Go to CUBA -> Marketplace in the main menu.

  3. Click the icon in the upper-right corner.


  4. Paste the add-on coordinates in the corresponding field as follows:

    com.haulmont.addon.grapesjs:grapesjs-global:<add-on version>

    where <add-on version> is compatible with the used version of the CUBA platform.

Platform Version Add-on Version
7.2.x 0.6.0
7.2.x 0.5.3
7.1.x 0.4.0
7.0.x 0.2.0
6.10.x 0.1.8
  1. Click Install and apply the changes. The add-on will be installed to your project.


To use the component you need to add HTML editor to the screen. Then add UI components.

Adding HTML Editor to the Screen

To use the GrapesJS component in your screen, you need to add the special scheme in the XML descriptor of the screen and then add a namespace like grapesjs for the schema. The schema contains information about the grapesJsHtmlEditor tag.

Look at the example of usage:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<window xmlns=""
        <et:grapesJsHtmlEditor id="htmlEditor">
                 //comma separated panel names which should be disabled, for example "map,tabs"

grapesjs UI component provides setValue(String value) and getValue() methods to set and get HTML content for the component.

UI Components

After adding HTML editor to the screen you need to add one of the following UI components:

grapesJsNewsletterHtmlEditor component has an additional inlineCss. If enabled then CSS classes will be inlined in HTML.

UI components can be extended with plugins using plugin tag. A plugin can be selected from the list of predefined plugins or can be configured as a new plugin.

Default available plugins:

Custom project plugins can be registered via com.haulmont.addon.grapesjs.web.gui.components.GjsPluginsRepository class.


       height="100%" width="100%">
   <et:plugin name="ckeditor">
       <!-- path to plugin configuration-->
   <et:plugin name="forms"/>
   <et:plugin name="flexBlocks"/>
   <et:plugin name="tuiImageEditor"/>
   <et:plugin name="customcode"/>
   <et:plugin name="postcss"/>
   <et:plugin name="touch">
               ... custom plugin settings ...
   <et:plugin name="styleFilter"/>
               ... custom plugin settings ...


GrapesJsHtmlEditor component provides two methods to run and stop commands

Custom Blocks

Custom blocks can be added to the component using block tag with the following parameters:

Block example:

           <h1>Put your title here</h1>
              title: 'Insert h1 block',
              class:'fa fa-th'

Custom project blocks can be registered via com.haulmont.addon.grapesjs.web.gui.components.GjsBlocksRepository class. Registered blocks can be added to UI component by name attribute. Example <et:block name="custom block name"/>.

Please use class:'fa <fa-icon>' in block attributes to use Font Awesome icon.

User Interface of HTML editor

You can add, set and delete elements from the canvas. In addition, you can import and export HTML and CSS code. Here is a description of setting panels of the editor.

The Blocks Tab

After opening the editor in your project you can see the Blocks tab. Set of elements depends on added UI components. The following elements can be enabled for adding:


The Style Manager Tab

You can set the properties of the elements. Select the element and go to the Style Manager tab.


The Trait Manager Tab

You can define parameters of an element. Select the element and go to the Trait Manager tab.


The Layers Tab

To watch the list of elements on the canvas go to the Layers tab. You can hide elements on the canvas while editing.


The Top Panel Buttons

The following buttons on the Top Panel are available:

and buttons for changing the screen width.
