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March 4 #51

Open cubxxw opened 7 months ago

cubxxw commented 7 months ago



Sora 未发布各个人群的引流计划:


UI 的开发平台:

实现基础组件即可,前期做好 UI

或许可以用低代码和 ChatGpt ,前端部分边学边做

像 bilibili 没有 API 的话,可以参考一些开源项目的实现


这个错误发生在尝试将提交通过git cherry-pick命令应用到受保护的分支并推送到GitHub时。GitHub的受保护分支策略阻止了直接推送,要求所有的更改都必须通过Pull Request(PR)来进行。这是一种常见的做法,用于确保分支的稳定性,特别是在多人协作的项目中。


remote: error: GH006: Protected branch update failed for refs/heads/release-v3.5.
remote: error: Changes must be made through a pull request.

这表明你尝试直接推送到release-v3.5分支,但是这个分支是受保护的,GitHub不允许这样做。解决方案通常是创建一个新的分支,将更改应用到这个新分支上,然后通过创建一个新的Pull Request来合并这些更改到目标分支。这里是一个简化的流程:

  1. 创建并切换到一个新分支

    git checkout -b new-branch-name
  2. 应用你的更改(例如,使用git cherry-pick)。

  3. 推送新分支到远程仓库

    git push origin new-branch-name
  4. 在GitHub上创建一个新的Pull Request,将你的新分支合并到release-v3.5分支。


最后,操作日志显示了自动化脚本(可能是GitHub Action)在操作失败时尝试评论PR #1833,这是自动化CI/CD流程中常见的一种反馈机制,用于通知参与者存在问题。

为了更好地了解关小姐在新加坡创业、技术移民要求及就业环境的最新情况,我建议设定一个会议草稿,专注于以下几个关键领域: image

会议主题: 探索新加坡创业及技术移民机会


  1. 欢迎致辞 (5分钟)

    • 主持人简短开场,介绍会议目的和参与者。
  2. 关小姐的创业经历分享 (15分钟)

    • 关小姐分享在新加坡创业的经验,包括挑战、成功案例和学习经验。
  3. 新加坡技术移民要求更新 (20分钟)

    • 由技术移民专家介绍最新的技术移民政策、程序和要求。
    • 讨论技术移民对于创业者的可能影响。
    • 本地人的优势
    • 各种身份
  4. 新加坡就业市场现状 (20分钟)

    • 就业市场分析师提供新加坡就业市场的最新趋势、需求领域和挑战。
    • 分析如何利用现有市场趋势促进个人和企业成长。
    • 新加坡的创业氛围如何
  5. 开放讨论:抓住新加坡的创业与就业机会 (30分钟)

    • 与会者讨论如何结合创业和技术移民优势,在新加坡寻找和创造机会。
    • 探讨潜在的合作机会和资源共享。
  6. 会议总结与下一步行动计划 (10分钟)

    • 概括会议要点和讨论结果。
    • 规划后续行动步骤,包括可能的跟进会议或工作小组。





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今天上班的节奏很不错,任务都完成了,只为全力的去准备明天的工作 ~

ChatGpt 的提示词: | 帮我优化 OpenIM 代码样式和错误处理,并且适当的关键部分添加英文注释。 在错误处理上,我希望如果错误是函数自己产生的,那么就用 Wrap 包裹,使用:

errs.Wrap(err, "prometheus start err", httpServer.Addr)

的方式包裹,并且适当携带上下文的变量信息 其中自己定义的 errs.Wrap 中 Wrap 函数为:

func Wrap(err error, msg ...string) error {
    if err == nil {
        return nil
    if len(msg) == 0 {
        return errors.WithStack(err)
    return errors.Wrap(err, strings.Join(msg, ", "))

如果错误不是自己产生的,如果是调用第三方包产生的,且第三方包没有很好的 Wrap 处理,那么你调用这个包也要做 Wrap 处理。 如果第三方包有 Wrap 处理,或者是你调用的是自己仓库的底层函数,那么就直接在最底层函数中用 Wrap ,你直接使用return err 返回 即可。 对于函数来说,如果函数需要做错误处理,但是没有错误处理,且没有返回错误的话,需要你优化函数,补充错误处理和返回。我会给你原始代码 请你尽可能的回复核心的代码,以及步骤。


kubbot commented 7 months ago

Bot detected the issue body's language is not English, translate it automatically. 👯👭🏻🧑‍🤝‍🧑👫🧑🏿‍🤝‍🧑🏻👩🏾‍🤝‍👨🏿👬🏿



Sora has not released the traffic diversion plan for each group of people:

Chinese prompt word warehouse reference:

UI development platform:

Just implement the basic components and prepare the UI in the early stage

Maybe you can use low code and ChatGpt and learn the front-end part while doing it.

If bilibili does not have an API, you can refer to the implementation of some open source projects.

Or crawler implementation

This error occurs when trying to apply commits to a protected branch via the git cherry-pick command and push to GitHub. GitHub's protected branch policy prevents direct pushes and requires all changes to be made through a Pull Request (PR). This is a common practice used to ensure the stability of a branch, especially in projects where multiple people are collaborating.

The specific error message is as follows:

remote: error: GH006: Protected branch update failed for refs/heads/release-v3.5.
remote: error: Changes must be made through a pull request.

This indicates that you tried to push directly to the release-v3.5 branch, but this branch is protected and GitHub does not allow this. The solution is usually to create a new branch, apply the changes to this new branch, and then merge the changes into the target branch by creating a new Pull Request. Here is a simplified process:

  1. Create and switch to a new branch:

    git checkout -b new-branch-name
  2. Apply your changes (for example, using git cherry-pick).

  3. Push the new branch to the remote warehouse:

    git push origin new-branch-name
  4. Create a new Pull Request on GitHub and merge your new branch into the release-v3.5 branch.

This approach follows GitHub's best practices and ensures that all changes are reviewed and passed through the CI/CD pipeline, increasing code quality and project stability.

Finally, the action log shows an automated script (possibly a GitHub Action) trying to comment PR #1833 when the action failed, a common feedback mechanism in automated CI/CD processes to notify participants of a problem.

In order to better understand the latest situation of Ms. Kwan's entrepreneurship, skilled immigration requirements and employment environment in Singapore, I suggest setting up a draft meeting to focus on the following key areas: image

Conference Topic: Exploring Entrepreneurship and Skilled Immigration Opportunities in Singapore


  1. Welcome Speech (5 minutes)

    • The host makes a brief opening to introduce the purpose of the meeting and participants.
  2. Ms. Guan’s entrepreneurial experience sharing (15 minutes)

    • Ms. Kwan shares her experience of starting a business in Singapore, including challenges, success stories and learning experiences.
  3. Singapore Skilled Migration Requirements Update (20 minutes)

    • An introduction to the latest skilled immigration policies, procedures and requirements by skilled immigration experts.
    • Discuss the possible impact of skilled immigration on entrepreneurs.
    • Advantages of locals
    • Various identities
  4. Current Situation of Singapore’s Job Market (20 minutes)

    • Job market analysts provide the latest trends, demand areas and challenges in the Singapore job market.
    • Analyze how to leverage existing market trends for personal and business growth.
    • What is the entrepreneurial atmosphere in Singapore?
  5. Open Discussion: Seizing Entrepreneurship and Employment Opportunities in Singapore (30 minutes)

    • Participants discussed how to combine the advantages of entrepreneurship and skilled immigration to find and create opportunities in Singapore.
    • Explore potential collaboration opportunities and resource sharing.
  6. Meeting summary and next action plan (10 minutes)

    • Summarize the main points of the meeting and the results of the discussion.
    • Plan next action steps, including possible follow-up meetings or working groups.

Meeting notes:

Contact information:


Developer center, management background:

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The rhythm of work today is very good. All tasks are completed. I just want to prepare for tomorrow's work with all my strength ~

ChatGpt prompt word: | Help me optimize OpenIM code style and error handling, and add English comments to appropriate key sections. In terms of error handling, I hope that if the error is generated by the function itself, then it can be wrapped with Wrap, using:

errs.Wrap(err, "prometheus start err", httpServer.Addr)

Wrapped in a way and appropriately carry the context variable information The Wrap function in the self-defined errs.Wrap is:

func Wrap(err error, msg ...string) error {
if err == nil {
return nil
if len(msg) == 0 {
return errors.WithStack(err)
return errors.Wrap(err, strings.Join(msg, ", "))

If the error is not caused by yourself, if it is caused by calling a third-party package, and the third-party package does not have good wrapping processing, then you must also wrap it when you call this package. If the third-party package has Wrap processing, or you are calling the bottom function of your own warehouse, then use Wrap directly in the bottom function, and you can directly use return err to return. For functions, if the function needs to do error handling, but there is no error handling and no error is returned, you need to optimize the function and supplement error handling and return. I'll give you the original code Please reply with the core code and steps as much as possible.

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