cubxxw / blog

Xinwei(bear) blog system 博客系统 | ChatGPT | Sora | CloudNative | 定期分享前沿的 AI | ChatGpt | LLM | Sora 技术。欢迎订阅 RSS
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⭐️ Welcome to my blog ⭐️


Netlify Status

[!TIP] This is my third generation blog. The first two generations were dynamic blogs with unstable servers in the background. Fortunately, this blog is now more stable and will be continuously maintained.

Readme Poster

GitHub Poster
😎 Check out my GitHub!
Blog Poster
🚀 Visit my Blog!

Tagging Standards

Based on your professional skills, technical expertise, and personal interests, I have prepared a more comprehensive list of tags and categories, presented in a table format, distinguishing between Chinese and English blogs.


类别 标签 分类
技术 Golang (GO语言), Kubernetes, OpenIM, 云原生 (Cloud Native), 微服务 (Microservices), 服务网格 (Service Mesh), Docker, CI/CD, Prometheus 开发 (Development)
安全 安全性 (Security), 代码审查 (Code Review) 安全 (Security)
敏捷与流程 敏捷软件开发 (Agile Software Development), 响应式编程 (Reactive Programming), 函数式编程 (Functional Programming) 项目管理 (Project Management)
个人兴趣 户外探险 (Outdoor Adventures), 环球旅行 (World Travel), 自行车骑行 (Cycling), 摄影 (Photography), 旅行 (Travel), 自我发现 (Self Discovery), 冒险 (Adventure), 探索 (Exploration) 个人成长 (Personal Development)
生活方式 个人效率 (Personal Productivity), 健康生活 (Healthy Living), 生活方式 (Lifestyle), 远程工作 (Remote Work) 生活与教育 (Living & Education)
人工智能 深度学习 (Deep Learning), 自然语言处理 (NLP, Natural Language Processing), 计算机视觉 (Computer Vision), 强化学习 (Reinforcement Learning), 转移学习 (Transfer Learning), LLM 人工智能 (AI)

Tags and Categories for English Blogs

Category Tags Classification
Technology Golang, Kubernetes, OpenIM, Cloud Native, Microservices, Service Mesh, Docker, CI/CD, Prometheus Development
Security Security, Code Review Security
Agile & Processes Agile Software Development, Reactive Programming, Functional Programming Project Management
Personal Interests Outdoor Adventures, World Travel, Cycling, Photography, Travel, Self Discovery, Adventure, Exploration Personal Development
Lifestyle Personal Productivity, Healthy Living, Lifestyle, Remote Work Learning & Education
Artificial Intelligence Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, Reinforcement Learning, Transfer LearningLLM AI


Keywords can generally be generated by AI.

Usage Standards


The articles published on the blog are independent, which is what I have seen and learned since participating in open source projects, and I hope this model can be successful and copied. 👀 My blog has a lot of good content and is worth a read. If you want to subscribe to the SSR 🔍 here

shenxianpeng | ZhiHu

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Speed up subscription links for inaccessible networks:${RSS_ADDRESS}

Featured blog subscriptions in English (default)

Here you'll find the latest and most interesting blog posts in English from Xinwei Xiong(cubxxw).


这里你可以看到Xinwei Xiong(cubxxw)的最新和最有趣的中文博客文章。

Español blog destacado suscripción

Aquí encontrarás las últimas y más interesantes entradas de blog en español de Xinwei Xiong(cubxxw).

Français blog fr vedette abonnement

Ici, vous trouverez les derniers articles de blog les plus intéressants en français de Xinwei Xiong(cubxxw).


這裡你可以看到Xinwei Xiong(cubxxw)的最新和最有趣的繁體中文博客文章。

Content style

We don’t mandate any particular style for your page contents. However, if you’d like some guidance on how to write and format clear, concise technical documentation, we recommend the Google Developer Documentation Style Guide, particularly the Style Guide Highlights.

Running the website locally

Clone the minikube project fork with option --recurse-submodules --depth 1 to download and update submodule dependencies.

❯ git clone --recurse-submodules --depth 1  # replace path with your github fork of minikube 
❯ cd blog


❯ make run

Create a new article

❯ make new-post POST_NAME="openim-offline-deployment-design"

Named by an environment variable:

❯ POST_NAME="openim-k8s-deployment" make new-post  #
❯ export POST_NAME="my-hugo"
❯ make new-post    #

Common Issues

Start building sites …
hugo v0.86.0+extended darwin/amd64 BuildDate=unknown
Error: Error building site: "/minikube/site/content/en/docs/contrib/releasing/": failed to extract shortcode: template for shortcode "alert" not found
Built in 667 ms

This indicates the submodules are not updated. Please run the following command to fix.

❯ git submodule update --init --recursive


Uer netlify to deploy the blog, and use the hexo-theme-next theme.