cucumber-attic / cuke4duke

Cucumber support for the JVM: Java, Scala, Groovy, Clojure, Ioke, Javascript, Spring, Guice, PicoContainer, WebDriver, Ant and Maven
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Could not find bouncy-castle-java-1.5.0145.2 in any of the sources #90

Open andrewmilkowski opened 13 years ago

andrewmilkowski commented 13 years ago

Hey there

ran into a snag with build process (latest git master)

  1. installed RVM
  2. gem install bundler && bundle install
  3. rake build_all


[INFO] [jar:jar {execution: default-jar}] [INFO] Building jar: /opt/local/src/git/ruby/cuke4duke/git/examples/java-ejb3/target/cuke4duke-ejb3-example-0.4.3-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Preparing source:jar [WARNING] Removing: jar from forked lifecycle, to prevent recursive invocation. [INFO] No goals needed for project - skipping [INFO] [source:jar {execution: bind-sources}] [INFO] Building jar: /opt/local/src/git/ruby/cuke4duke/git/examples/java-ejb3/target/cuke4duke-ejb3-example-0.4.3-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [cuke4duke:cucumber {execution: run-features}] [INFO] JRuby limited openssl loaded. [INFO] gem install jruby-openssl for full support. [INFO] Could not find bouncy-castle-java-1.5.0145.2 in any of the sources


bouncy-castle-java (1.5.0145.2) <------------------------------- builder (2.1.2) bundler (1.0.3, 1.0.2) celerity (0.8.2) cucumber (0.9.4, 0.9.2) diff-lcs (1.1.2) gherkin (2.2.9) hoe (1.12.2) jruby-openssl (0.7.2) json (1.4.6) json_pure (1.4.6) rack (1.2.1, 1.1.0) rake (0.8.7) rake-compiler (0.7.1) rdoc (2.5.11) rspec (2.1.0) rspec-core (2.1.0) rspec-expectations (2.1.0) rspec-mocks (2.1.0) rubyforge (2.0.4) term-ansicolor (1.0.5) [amilkowski@localhost git]$

stonehippo commented 13 years ago

I am running into the issue as well. Anyone else? And any solution?

pinterb commented 13 years ago

I too ran into the same issue.

pinterb commented 13 years ago looks like it's just the examples that are failing. The 'mvn clean install' seems to work just fine.