cucumber-attic / cuke4duke

Cucumber support for the JVM: Java, Scala, Groovy, Clojure, Ioke, Javascript, Spring, Guice, PicoContainer, WebDriver, Ant and Maven
MIT License
256 stars 72 forks source link


This project is defunkt, and has been replaced by "Cucumber-JVM": For more info see "this thread":

h1. Cuke4Duke

Cuke4Duke is an addon to Cucumber, making it possible to write step definitions in several different JVM languages.

h2. Building Cuke4Duke

First of all, you need "Maven": installed. Then you'll need "git":

You'll also need "JRuby": installed to build Cuke4Duke. If you're on OS X or Linux it's recommended you install JRuby with "RVM":

With JRuby installed - bootstrap your environment by installing some gems:

Using RVM:

mkdir -p ~/.m2/repository/.jruby
GEM_HOME=~/.m2/repository/.jruby GEM_PATH=~/.m2/repository/.jruby gem install bundler
GEM_HOME=~/.m2/repository/.jruby GEM_PATH=~/.m2/repository/.jruby ~/.m2/repository/.jruby/bin/bundle install
GEM_HOME=~/.m2/repository/.jruby GEM_PATH=~/.m2/repository/.jruby ~/.m2/repository/.jruby/bin/rake install

Not using RVM:

mkdir -p ~/.m2/repository/.jruby
GEM_HOME=~/.m2/repository/.jruby GEM_PATH=~/.m2/repository/.jruby jruby -S gem install bundler
GEM_HOME=~/.m2/repository/.jruby GEM_PATH=~/.m2/repository/.jruby jruby -S bundle install
GEM_HOME=~/.m2/repository/.jruby GEM_PATH=~/.m2/repository/.jruby jruby -S rake install

With the gems installed, build the whole shebang (including the examples):

Using RVM:

GEM_HOME=~/.m2/repository/.jruby GEM_PATH=~/.m2/repository/.jruby ~/.m2/repository/.jruby/bin/rake build_all

Not using RVM:

jruby -S rake build_all

h2. Release process

First, bump the release number:

rake remove_snapshots

Build again:

rake build_all

If all is OK, commit:

git commit -m "Release"

And release:

rake release

Finally, bump version:

rake add_snapshots

And commit again:

git commit -m "Starting new development cycle"