cuducos / django-public-admin

🔓 A public and read-only version of the Django Admin
MIT License
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PyPI Tests Documentation Status PyPI - Python Version PyPI - Django Version

Django Public Admin

A public and read-only version of the Django Admin. A drop-in replacement for Django's native AdminSite and ModelAdmin for publicly accessible data. Check the documentation for more information on how to use it.


We use tox to Run tests with Python 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8, and with Django 2 and 3. Also we use Black and flake8:

$ poetry install
$ poetry run tox


To build the docs we use Sphinx:

$ poetry run pip install docs/requirements.txt
$ poetry run sphinx-build docs docs/_build/

Them just jump to docs/_build/index.html.

License & Credits

This package is licensed under MIT license and acknowledge Serenata de AmorOpen Knowledge Brasil and, previously, © Data Science Brigade).