cuducos / my-internet-speed

🛎️ Monitor the speed your ISP is delivering
GNU General Public License v3.0
135 stars 13 forks source link
internet-speed isp monitoring

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My Internet Speed

I wrote this app so I can periodically monitor my internet speed and:

At home this runs on my Raspberry Pi, but not all services are compatible — check my ideal setup for a suggestion on how to run these services.



It is important to run this app in a computer connected to the internet via ethernet cable, not via wireless – this is the way to have some accuracy in testing the speed.

Optionally, if you want the Twitter feature to work (it will only tweet when the speed is below the configures threshold):

You can get these Twitter credentials at the Twitter Application Management dashboard.

Some speed test backends do not provide a URL with the results. In these cases we take a screenshot from the speed test result and upload it to Imgur. If you want to use this feature, you need an account there and a client ID for a registered application.


Before you get started, copy .env.sample as .env and edit as follows:

  1. Set INTERVAL according to how often (in minutes) you want to run the speed test (e.g.: 20 for 20min)
  2. Set your TIMEZONE accordingly

The default speed test backend is SpeedTest but you can use EAQ (Entidade Aferidora da Qualidade de Banda Larga) certified by ANATEL setting BACKEND to brasil_banda_larga.

If you want the app to post tweets:

  1. Add your Twitter credentials at the top of the file
  2. Set CONTRACT_SPEED to the speed in Mbps you are paying for (e.g.: 60 if you contract says 60Mbps)
  3. Set THRESHOLD to the minimum percentage of the contract speed you contract or local laws enforces your ISP (e.g.: 0.4 for 40%)
  4. Set your tweet message using {contract_speed} where the contract speed in Mbps should be (for example, 60 for 60Mbps), {real_speed} where the measured speed should be, and {percentage} where comparing both should be (feel free to use the Twitter handle of your ISP too)
  5. Add {result_url} in order to add the link to the result provided by the speed test backend

For example, if:

The final tweet would be:

I pay for 60Mbps, but now @MyISP is working at 20Mbps – merely 33% of what I'm paing for :(

If you like this app, add #MyInternetSpeed to your tweets ; )


This docker-compose.yml lefts out the db container from all possible depends_on in order to make it easier to use an external/remote database to persist data (just point POSTGRESs variables and the PGRST ones to somewhere else).

Thus if you are using the Docker database it is useful to start it manually first:

$ docker-compose up -d db

In both cases run this one off command to create the database tables:

$ docker-compose run --rm beat python \
  -c "from my_internet_speed.models import Result; Result.create_table()"

Spinning up the app

$ docker-compose up -d

Services and compatibility


This spins up different services that might be useful to check the status of the speed tests:

Name URL ARM (RaspberryPi) compatibility Description
beat Main app that periodically runs the speed tests
dashboard http://localhost:3000/ 🚫 Minimalist dashboard with monthly speed test results
api http://localhost:3001/result/ 🚫 API to the database with all speed test results (check Postgrest for advanced filtering and exporting formats)
flower http://localhost:5555/ Flower dashboard for asynchronous tasks
db Database to store the speed test results
broker Queue to run the speed tests
chrome 🚫 Selenium web driver used for backends that requires a browser
Name Python path ARM (RaspberryPi) compatibility
SpeedTest my_internet_speed.backends.speed_test_net.SpeedTest
Barsil Banda Larga my_internet_speed.backends.brasil_banda_larga.SpeedTest 🚫

My ideal setup

Given the ARM processor incompatibilities, I actually use three computers to run these services:

  1. In my RaspberryPi (ARM processor, but it is still the only device with ethernet cable I have) I run beat, broker and flower:
    $ docker-compose up -d beat flower
  2. In my main computer (x86 processor) I run the api and the dashboard so I can check the results:
    $ docker-compose up -d beat dashboard
  3. The database I run in the cloud, a free tier at tiny turtle (free) at ElephantSQL


UnixHTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=None): Read timed out.

I was getting this error in my Raspberry Pi when trying to run docker-compose up. This seams to be a workaround:



$ docker-compose run --rm beat py.test

Also we use Black code formatter:

$ docker-compose run --rm beat black . --check