cullen-b / Tradovate-Python-Client

This library makes it easy to trade with the Tradovate API using Python!
MIT License
24 stars 9 forks source link


This library jumpstarts your ability to make trades with the Tradovate API using Python!

This is not a complete Tradovate API wrapper, it only has the code you need to make trades.

My apologies in advance for using incorrect Python Syntax...

Please keep in mind that this is my first repo and I'm still figuring things out, just becuase it works on my machine doesn't mean it will work on yours! If my code doesn't work for you I hope it can at least serve as a template for your code.

The Tradovate documentation is terrible (they don't even have Python docs) and I know I would've appreciated something like this when I was building my project so I hope it helps you! While building this client I made use of their forums which were helpful but sparse. You can find the forums here:


In early 2023 the CME started requiring expensive ($400+ /month) licenses for individual traders accesing their data through api's. I'm not sure of the total effect on this api but a lot of tradovate's api connections don't work anymore unless you have the license :(

How to use the client...

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

How do the functions work?

Each function has a "live" parameter which is where you decide if you want this action to take place in a live enviroment or a demo envioment... For a DEMO enviroment set "live" to False For a LIVE envrioment set "live" to True (should be a boolean)

Some functions have a "token" parameter. Use to get your access token before inputing it into the parameter The function in returns a tuple. The first value is the token and the second value is the token's expiry time Please don't foget to add [0] to the end of your called getAccessToken function if you want the access token, I forgot to do this many times while developing my project and I'm sure you will too. NOTE: The access tokens expire after a certain amount of hours so you will need to call the funciton periodically to make sure you always have a valid token.

Some funcitons don't have a token parameter and instead have the token request inside the function. This is becasue these functions are important and I wanted to make sure there was always a fresh access token available (Ex. Cancelling orders or closing positions) feel free to add this functionality to the other functions, just keep in mind what I said above about the Tradovate API getting mad.

All the other function parameters should be self explanatory, and all the funcitons should have adequate docstrings to describe what they do/require/return.

Please keep in mind that I am NOT responsible for any financial losses (or gains) that come from using my client

If all else fails feel free to contact me via email (CLNBKRPVD@GMAIL.COM) about problems with the client, I'm sure we can get it sorted out!

Happy coding, happy trading, and good luck! -C