In order to use tufts_models you must insure you use the provided solr configuration in solr\_conf
. This has an autocommit directive which ensures the soft-commits used by ActiveFedora are persisted to disk.
Add the following to app/models/solr_document.rb
include Tufts::SolrDocument
You must have a config/application.yml file.
In your rails app, you'll need to configure the front-ends that records can be displayed in. Using spec/test_app_templates/displays.yml as an example, create a file in your rails app called config/authorities/displays.yml
Run rails g qa:install
to configure the routes for QA.
You must download and start jetty:
rake jetty:unzip jetty:config_solr jetty:start
Then set up the test app:
rake engine_cart:generate