cure53 / Flashbang

Project "Flashbang" - An open-source Flash-security helper
Mozilla Public License 2.0
206 stars 55 forks source link


Welcome to project "Flashbang". This tool is an open-source Flash-security helper with a very specific purpose: Find the flashVars of a naked SWF and display them, so a security tester can start hacking away without decompiling the code.

Flashbang is built upon Mozilla's Shumway project. It runs in the browser but has a bunch of requirements to work properly. See the links below.

How To Run Flashbang?

Just use our public tool and feed it SWF files:

No files will be ever uploaded to any server, it all happens in the browser. So no worries. You still do worry? Good. You can also install it locally of course. Check below on how to do that.

How to Install Flashbang locally?

Flashbang is still in alpha stage so things might be a bit edgy there and where. Here's how to setup and run Flashbang (no worries, it takes about 5 minutes to get it running):

Testing Flashbang

To play with Flashbang you need Flash files. Obviously. If you don't have any at hands right now, we can offer you a fine selection of vulnerable files right here:


Flashbang is very young and basically alpha-level software. And finding flashVars in an SWF has proven to be quite hard. So please don't be disappointed it Flashbang isn't yet working for each and any SWF file out there. If you have a SWF where Flashbang doesn't see the flashVars please file a bug and send us some info. We'll try to fix it asap.


Flashbang was specified and sponsored by Cure53, built by Bharadwaj Machiraju - the Cure53 summer intern and wouldn't exist without the help of Mozilla Research and their amazing Shumway project. Now here's some links you can click: