curiouselectric / SolarSpinner

Solar powered Motor controller with circuit diagram, PCB and code
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Solar powered Motor controller with circuit diagram, PCB and code. This is based upon the ATTiny85, with code written and uploaded via the Arduino IDE.

This design is for a reporgrammable unit which can do different tasks, powered by a small solar PV cell and an ultra-capacitor.

The unit has an LED output, a Motor control output and a Piezo buzzer output.

Files Included:

Pin out

ATTiny85 Arduino Pins:

IC Pin: Arduino Ref: Attached:
1 5/A0/RST
2 3/A3 Vsolar
3 4/A2 Vcap
5 0 - PWM Piezo
6 1 - PWM Motor
7 2/A1 LED
8 +Supply

Software Modes

Note: There are only 3 sleep modes for the ATTiny25/45/85

These are: IDLE, ADC power down and Power-Down

If we want to use the PWM to give an output then we need to use IDLE.

See datasheet for more details:

Motor Control

This runs a motor using stored power in the capacitor. When the Vcap voltage is above a certain amount the motor is run unit the voltage drops.

Control is as follows:

LED Nightlight

Automatically switches on an LED when the solar input is low. This will run until the capacitor voltage is too low.

Control is as follows:

Solar Cricket

'Chrips' a noise (using a piezo element attached to the motor connections) when there is sunlight. Rate and pitch of chirping depends upon solar input. Lower solar = lower pitch chirp and lower rate of chirp. Control is as follows:

Nighttime Cricket

'Chirps' a noise (using a piezo element attached to the motor connections) when the solar voltage is low (dark). Does this until the capacitor runs out. Control is as follows:

Ultrasonic Bug Repeller

Some animals (cats, dogs, rats) and insects (mosquittos) respond to different ultrasonic frequencies of sound. Some people question the effectiveness of this, so this is here for a bit of a trial, really - see what you think!

Control is as follows: